Tag Archives: mexico-as-well

Did The CIA Assassinate Matt Simmons For Blowing The Whistle On The BP Gulf Oil Spill?

Matt Simmons, a prominent oil industry expert who lately has been very outspoken about the BP Gulf Oil Spill coverup, was found dead in his home after supposedly drowning after apparently suffering from a heart attack. But did Matt Simmons really die of a heart attack or was he assassinated? Matt was very vocal on several nationwide news programs making claims that have led some people to question his sanity along with blowing the whistle on BP and Government on several issues. Matt Simmons was very well connected to other oil industry insiders and top government officials in charge of regulating the oil industry. As a result of those connections Matt has blew the whistle on several lies BP and Government where telling to the public. Matt called the claims that only 5,000 barrels of oil were leaking preposterous and instead conjectured there must be at least a minimum of 120,000 barrels of oil per leaking into the Gulf. Matt also reported that there were leaks 5 to 7 miles away which were later confirmed by a NOAA report issued by the Thomas Jefferson. Matt Simmons also revealed that NOAA ships discovered a huge underwater plume of oil at 1100 meters below the surface which could possibly cover up to 40% of the Gulf of Mexico at a time when NOAA and the federal government were publicly denying the existence of underwater plumes of oil. Matt made national headlines by stating BP would go bankrupt because they didn’t have enough money to clean up the Gulf of Mexico as well as making claims that the well integrity and pressures were so high that nothing short of a nuke could close this well. More at the Link…………. http://beforeitsnews.com/story/132/335/Did_The_CIA_Assassinate_Matt_Simmons_For_… added by: CarlosBobthe3rd