Tag Archives: michael-taylor

Question Of The Day: Did The “Facebook Uncle” Video End Up Pushing Michael Taylor Into Gang Life??

The news of Michael Taylor’s untimely death yesterday has gotten a few people thinking and talking. Among them is cultural and political commentator Dr. Marc Lamont Hill who tweeted a very interesting point this morning. Did the idea that his uncle’s actions and our laughter could have pushed Michael right into the life his family wanted him to avoid even cross your mind when you first saw that video? And with all of the hazing cases being reported these past couple of weeks, do you think we “romanticize” and accept the type of violence that “toughens us up” a little too much??

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Question Of The Day: Did The “Facebook Uncle” Video End Up Pushing Michael Taylor Into Gang Life??

Bring Down Monsanto…

Take action now and let's bring down Monsanto: 70% percent or more of our food contains genetically engineered food brought by the bio-tech giant: Monsanto. GMO is endangering people's health and our environment at an alarming rate. Cross-contamination is irreversible and good, organic crops are being jeopardized. These seeds are incredibly expensive compared to the traditional ones and have been genetically modified to produce their own pesticide, to survive the spraying of the: “Roundup”, a potent herbicide and to self terminate. This has lead our farmers to buy new GMO seeds each year and depend on Monsanto. As a result of this ruthless drive to use India as a testing ground for genetically modified crops, 125,000 farmers took their own lives. These people were driven to debt, to economic distress, homeless and landless. GMO has and is failing catastrophically. This company is persecuting, bullying and bringing farms to bankruptcy. GMO was never adequately tested for safety, actually more and more research shows its dangers to the human/animal health, polluting our crops and our water. Monsanto did use false advertising; Monsanto poisons the third world and privatizes water. Its employees have passed through the so-called revolving door many times, they rotated between this industry and the public agencies: Clarence Thomas, Gwendolyn S. King, Linda Fisher, Jim Travis, Linda Avery Strachanand, Toby Moffet , Marcia Hale, Donald Bandle, George H. Poste, Michael Kantor and Michael Taylor all bending rules, finding loopholes to assure this company profits. This technology is only exacerbating hunger, poverty, irreversible contamination and climate change in our world. Bring down Monsanto's monopoly on our food and a centralized agriculture. Bring down Monsanto's genetically engineered seeds. Bring down the use of harmful pesticides, herbicides and chemicals alike. Hold this company accountable for its damages to the world. Organic agriculture, permaculture and biodiversity are the only answer to sustainability, to the preservation of our environment and our health. We want you, as our government, as a body of representation of the people of the United States to invest billions subsidizing organic, environmental agriculture. Bring down Monsanto's poisoning, companies alike and the agrochemical industry once and for all as it is one of the greatest threats to the whole human race. Thank you. Sign this petition, it takes less than thirty seconds and you'll make a world of difference, BRING DOWN MONSANTO NOW: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/bring-down-monsanto-monopoly Join the Organic Movement: http://current.com/groups/organicgreen/ http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs305.snc3/28853_393239006316_237028… added by: lookatmypix