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Bret Michaels Is ‘Definitely Doing Better,’ Sister Says

Michelle Sychak says her brother is starting to walk and no longer has slurred speech. By Gil Kaufman Bret Michaels Photo: Michael N. Todaro/Getty Images Bret Michaels remains in the intensive care unit nearly two weeks after suffering a brain hemorrhage , but his sister said on Monday that he is making slow, steady progress. Speaking again to the “Todd n Tyler Radio Empire” radio show, Michelle Sychak said she spoke to her brother on Saturday and that Michaels was “definitely doing better — he was kind of getting up and starting to walk a bit … because they don’t want the blood to clot.” The other good news was that the Poison singer no longer has slurred speech, according to his sister, but that progress has come along with some other issues. “What’s happened is all that blood in his brain is starting to drain, and he’s starting to have a lot of back pain,” she said, noting that her brother is getting antsy about being in the hospital and is eager to leave. “I can hear it in his voice. I know he’s in a lot of pain. … I said, ‘Bret, considering what you’ve been through … things could be so much worse.’ ” Sychak said Michaels’ slurred speech might have partly been caused by the morphine doctors were giving him for pain. Despite optimistic reports from the Michaels camp that he could be up and back out on the road by the end of the month — which she said was a misunderstanding about the soonest he could possibly be back onstage — Sychak said she’s hopeful, but realistic about the challenges the 47-year-old rocker faces. “Obviously, if he’s up and moving, that’s great, but honestly it’s not going to surprise me if he’s still in the ICU on Friday,” she said. “I think (the doctors are) having a problem really getting the bleeding. … Even though they’ve sort of caught it, I think there are some issues with them really stopping and figuring out the source. That’s why [there’s] back pain.” The news came on the same day that doctors at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, were preparing for their first press conference on Michaels’ condition on Tuesday (May 4). Neurologists and neurosurgeons from the institute are scheduled to discuss the case at 12 p.m. PT, providing an update on Michaels’ condition, treatment and prognosis. Related Videos The Poison And Bret Michaels Video Playlist Related Photos Bret Michaels’ Career In Photos Related Artists Bret Michaels

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Bret Michaels Is ‘Definitely Doing Better,’ Sister Says

Sister of Bret Michaels Confirms: Things are Looking Up

It’s too soon to tell if Bret Michaels will truly be able to resume performing next month, as a message on his website teased this week. But the good news continues to pour forth about ailing rocker. “He’s doing good. He’s not by any means out of the woods, but he is getting better every day,” said sister Michelle Sychak in an interview with the Omaha-based “Todd N Tyler Radio Empire” radio show on Wednesday. Michelle added that her brother’s speech was coming along. “Things are definitely looking up… he sounded good – as good as you can when your brain’s throbbing,” she said. “He seems very coherent to me and like he knew what he was saying… [He] does sound like Bret. Truth be told, I think he’ll outlive us all.” Sychak said Bret is stable, but remains in the intensive care unit. As always, we wish him the very best.

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Sister of Bret Michaels Confirms: Things are Looking Up

Bret Michaels’ Sister Says ‘Things Are Definitely Looking Up’

‘He’s not by any means out of the woods, but he is getting better every day,’ Michelle Sychak tells a radio show. By Gil Kaufman Bret Michaels Photo: Jason Merritt/ Getty Images Recovery from the kind of brain injury suffered by Poison singer Bret Michaels requires patience and very careful monitoring. And according to his sister, the rocker is making slow but steady progress. “He’s doing good,” said sibling Michelle Sychak in an interview with the Omaha, Nebraska-based “Todd N Tyler Radio Empire” morning-radio show on Wednesday. Michelle said her brother’s speech was good, considering the seriousness of the brain hemorrhage he suffered last Thursday. “Things are definitely looking up. … He sounded good — as good as you can when your brain’s throbbing,” she said. “He seems very coherent to me and like he knew what he was saying. … [He] does sound like Bret. Truth be told, I think he’ll outlive us all.” She spoke to him recently and said, though he’s stable, her brother is still in the intensive care unit. Earlier reports indicated that Michaels was suffering from slow or slurred speech as a result of the buildup of blood at the base of his brain. He continues to be hospitalized at an unnamed clinic in the intensive care unit. “He’s doing good,” she said. “He’s not by any means out of the woods, but he is getting better every day.” She said the fact that Michaels lived through the initial rupture was “a miracle in itself. I’ve never known anyone that dodged so many bullets in their life, both figuratively and literally.” Despite speculation that a staging mishap that resulted in Michaels being hit by a curtain at the 2009 Tony Awards might have caused the injury, she said doctors may never know what caused the rupture. The news came a day after Michaels’ road manager, Janna Elias, posted a note on the rocker’s website indicating that, “Provided there are no further complications or setbacks,” Michaels, 47, could be back out on the road in time for a May 26 date in Fort Smith, Arkansas. “I think good news is around the corner,” she said. “Even though yesterday was a minor setback, doctors remain hopeful for a full recovery and plan to release more specific information next Monday,” Elias wrote, referring to a not uncommon side effect of the brain hemorrhage called hyponatremia , a lack of sodium in the body that can lead to seizures. Doctors told Michaels he “is very lucky, as his condition could have been fatal,” she wrote. “With further testing and rehabilitation, they are hopeful that Bret will gradually improve as the blood surrounding the brain dissolves and is reabsorbed into his system, which can be a very painful recovery and take several weeks to months,” she said. Share your well-wishes for Bret Michaels in the comments below. Related Videos The Poison And Bret Michaels Video Playlist Related Photos Bret Michaels’ Career In Photos Related Artists Bret Michaels Poison

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Bret Michaels’ Sister Says ‘Things Are Definitely Looking Up’