Tag Archives: microscopic

Angelina Jolie Bestows Gift, Hidden Message Upon Brad Pitt

It’s no vial of blood, but Angelina Jolie has presented a very special gift to Brad Pitt, symbolizing their love and describing, intimately, how she feels about him: A diamond pendant engraved with a microscopic love message. Exactly what Angelina has written on it is a secret, its creator tells the Daily Mail: “I cannot tell you what it says, and you would need a microscope to read it.” The pendant is based on Ancient Egyptian amulets that contained hidden messages: “The technology is quite new … The hidden message is lasered on.” UK-based jeweler Robert Procop says he’s also partnering with her on a jewelery line called The Style Of Jolie. Wonder what style that is. Controlling? What do you think the microscopic message on Brad’s pendant says? We may never know for sure, but Star will come up with something good. Our ideas: If you so much as look at Jen I will castrate you. Sell this thing, feed 130 Haitian refugees. Angelina: One Oscar. Brad: No Oscars. I’m pregnant with triplets.

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Angelina Jolie Bestows Gift, Hidden Message Upon Brad Pitt

Why California should vote No

There are numerous studies that exist that present the long-term ill effects of smoking marijuana. Let it be clear on my position that anyone who promotes willful destruction of self through recreational smoking of marijuana is a complete and utter fool. Some important stats to be aware of: -Smoking marijuana has 50-70% more carcinogens than tobacco smoke and usually more than 400 chemicals added -Harm to lungs is similar to that of long-term tobacco use -Lowers the immune system and makes people more succeptible to disease -May make health problems such as heart disease worse. Marijuana makes the heart work harder -There is a chance of increased risk of head and neck cancers and mental illnesses such as depression and schizoprhenia. -Marijuana accumulates in the microscopic nerve spaces between nerve cells in the brain called synapses. This clogging interferes by slowing and impairing transfer of critical information. The list goes on and on. Moral of my crusade… Sure, marijuana is safer than crack, but that sure as heck does not mean we should endorse smoking it. The Harvard study attached even suggest we should be careful in who we give it for medical treatment. I agree with this judgment. If the person is dying from terminal cancer, let them enjoy. Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason why anyone in their right mind should touch such a dispicable and harmful drug. http://www.hsc.mb.ca/addictions/Media/Harmful20of%20Marijuana.pdf http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/evidence99/marijuana/Health_1.html added by: dkl165

"The Earth Strain": Could Our Space Missions Infect the Cosmos?

A Mars mission to be launched in October on a Russian robot spacecraft will include specimens of thale cress; tiny water creature tardigrade – or water bear – which can also survive extraordinary extremes of temperature and pressure; samples of brewer’s yeast; and permafrost from the Siberian Arctic. Together with several other microscopic organisms, these representatives of Earth life will be carried in a package that will be flown to Mars and are scheduled to be returned to Earth in 2012. The experiment – Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment, or Life – is designed to show if living organisms can survive unprotected in space for long periods and thus support the theory of panspermia, which argues that simple organisms can survive for years as they float through space and that life on Earth could have been wafted here from another world

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"The Earth Strain": Could Our Space Missions Infect the Cosmos?