Source: Sonia Moskowitz/ Heidi Gutman / Getty Whoopi Goldberg Pisses Off Dana Gasby Dan Gatsby ‘s daughter is NOT HERE for Whoopi Goldberg or anyone else criticizing her dad’s new relationship. The family fell under criticism recently when the story of her dad moving his girlfriend into the home where his wife battled Alzheimer’s spread . On a recent episode of The View , Whoopi was uncomfortable with it, calling B a friend. ““I didn’t want to see B look like that,” said Goldberg. “I didn’t need to see that.” Dana Gasby , 32, tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue, her step-mom is a “physically strong toddler who speaks in gibberish,” who sometimes needs to be forced to shower and use the toilet. She wants Whoopi and others judging to HUSH with their judgment. “These fraudulent friends know nothing. I have not seen them here,” says Dana, who moved back home three years ago to care for Smith. “They don’t call my family. I see them talking on TV and how do you know what your supposed ‘friend’ would want?” Dana fully supports the relationship between her father and Alex, his girlfriend. She says she hears Goldberg’s criticism of the video showing Smith’s day-to-day reality and wonders: is it “because you’re getting older and not happy with your health or whatever and you decide it’s not ok? Guess what—this is what aging is.” Thoughts?
Robert Johnson Continues To Defend Zoe Saldana’s Portrayal Of Nina Simone A couple weeks ago, we reported that BET founder Bob Johnson had hopped in the phone booth and donned his cape for Zoe Saldana’s inflammatory portrayal of Nina Simone. In speaking to The Hollywood Reporter , the film’s executive producer continues to try to convince black people that they should support this garbage… Two weeks after the trailer for Nina hit the Internet and caused an outcry over Zoe Saldana’s heavily altered appearance as Nina Simone, the film’s distributor is speaking to reporters in defense of the project. Critics of Nina, a biopic from U.K.-based Ealing Studios Entertainment, have protested the casting of Saldana, a light-skinned actress of Afro-Latina descent, to portray the legendary high priestess of soul, claiming that Simone’s physical appearance as a dark-skinned black woman had a major impact on her life and career. “It’s unfortunate that African-Americans are talking about this in a way that hearkens back to how we were treated when we were slaves,” says RLJ Entertainment founder and chair Robert L. Johnson, who also founded BET. “The slave masters separated light-skinned blacks from dark-skinned blacks, and some of that social DNA still exists today among many black people.” *eye-roll emoji* Now, in his one-on-one interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Johnson cites arguments against Saldana’s skin tone as akin to in-group discriminatory practices like the brown paper bag test, wherein certain black community gatherings would only admit individuals whose skin was lighter than the bag. “That’s where some of this comes from, when you hear people saying that a light-skinned woman can’t play a dark-skinned woman when they’re both clearly of African descent,” he says. “To say that if I’m gonna cast a movie, I’ve gotta hold a brown paper bag up to the actresses and say, ‘Oh sorry, you can’t play her.’ Who’s to decide when you’re black enough?” Johnson clearly is passionate about the subject and had plenty more to say regarding the backlash. “As an African-American, I will gladly engage anyone on this question of should we be talking about how light or how dark you should be to play a role,” he says. “Many people who are talking about it don’t even realize what they’re getting into. Imagine if I were to do a biopic about Lena Horne, who’s obviously light-skinned, or Dorothy Dandridge. Would it be fair if I put up a sign that said ‘No black women apply’? That would be ridiculous. Black Americans should know better than to have this discussion over a creative project. We’re not talking about white against black. We’re talking about black against black.” This fool goes on to say… “Make the judgment on the talent of the actors, make the judgment on the writing, but don’t make it on whether or not Zoe Saldana is as black as Nina. You can always say, ‘Gee, I can find somebody who’s blacker,’” Johnson says. “Let’s talk about [the film] in terms of giving talented African-Americans a chance to play roles that they’re qualified to play.” Clearly Bobby Boy missed the ENTIRE point. If Zoe was gonna play a lighter-skinned, thinner-nosed version of Nina Simone, then cool. BUT DON’T DARKEN HER F***IN’ SKIN AND PUT A FAKE NOSE ON HER AND THEN PREACH TO US ABOUT WHO IS ENTITLED TO PLAY WHO!
That BET gig can’t save you in real life Bow… Bow Wow Owes $284,000 On His Leased Ferrari From 2010 According to TMZ reports : Gotta say … we were scoffing at Bow Wow this week when he told a child custody judge he was only pulling in $4,000 a month … and then announced just hours later he was becoming the host of 106 & Park … but we just found some documents that show creditors have been chasing him for 3 years over a car. B.W. leased a 2005 Ferrari F430 back in 2008. It didn’t take long for the rapper to fall behind, because in February, 2009, the leasing company sued him and got a judgment for $216,084 … oh, and 75 cents. Since getting the judgment, the leasing company has been on the hunt for payment, using a collection agent to track down Bow Wow. Mr. Wow never paid, and now with interest the judgment has swelled to $283,785 … oh, and 13 cents. Bow Wow told the custody judge he only had $1,500 in his bank account and leases a jeep. Wow, maybe Bow was telling the truth. All we know is, we better not find out that he paid off this Ferrari before he paid his baby mama… Image via WENN
Are we looking at the next Beyonce Knowles? Yes, it’s early on The X Factor . And, yes, Simon Cowell is known for hyperbole. But it was hard to really argue with that judge last night after he compared 13-year old Rachel Crow to one of this generation’s most iconic artists. Too much praise far too soon? Perhaps. But hold off on your judgment until you view Crow belting out this version of “I’d Rather Go Blind,” during the show’s fun movie-themed night of auditions. Did we mention she’s only 13? Rachel Crow – I’d Rather Go Blind
Filed under: Jaime Pressly , Celebrity Justice , Paparazzi Photo For the first time since being arrested for blowing a DUI three times the legal limit last week, ” My Name Is Earl ” star Jaime Pressly was spotted leaving a frame shop in L.A. on Monday. Thankfully, this time the only thing that got loaded was her… Read more
Filed under: Ed Furlong , Celebrity Justice Edward Furlong is currently in jail, after a judge ruled he violated a domestic restraining order. Furlong — who starred in ” Terminator 2: Judgment Day ” and the new ” The Green Hornet ” flick — was handcuffed in court at around 11:30 AM and taken to… Read more
Filed under: Ed Furlong , Celebrity Justice Edward Furlong is currently in jail, after a judge ruled he violated a domestic restraining order. Furlong — who starred in ” Terminator 2: Judgment Day ” and the new ” The Green Hornet ” flick — was handcuffed in court at around 11:30 AM and taken to… Read more
Filed under: Paris Hilton , Paparazzi Photo , Fashion Paris Hilton showed off her best side while shopping in Beverly Hills on Monday. She’s a sheer beauty. Read more
Filed under: Frank McCourt , Jamie McCourt , Celebrity Justice , Dirty Divorces Frank McCourt and Jamie McCourt are officially divorced, TMZ has learned, but the big issue of the property settlement and who gets the Los Angeles Dodgers has not yet been decided. According to today’s court docket, the judgment for the divorce has… Read more