Tag Archives: been-measuring

"The Earth Strain": Could Our Space Missions Infect the Cosmos?

A Mars mission to be launched in October on a Russian robot spacecraft will include specimens of thale cress; tiny water creature tardigrade – or water bear – which can also survive extraordinary extremes of temperature and pressure; samples of brewer’s yeast; and permafrost from the Siberian Arctic. Together with several other microscopic organisms, these representatives of Earth life will be carried in a package that will be flown to Mars and are scheduled to be returned to Earth in 2012. The experiment – Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment, or Life – is designed to show if living organisms can survive unprotected in space for long periods and thus support the theory of panspermia, which argues that simple organisms can survive for years as they float through space and that life on Earth could have been wafted here from another world

Go here to see the original:
"The Earth Strain": Could Our Space Missions Infect the Cosmos?

17-year-old blows up a Starbucks because he was inspired by Brad Pitt’s ‘Fight Club’ character

A 17-year-old mimicking Brad Pitt’s “Fight Club” character, who plans attacks on corporate America, was arrested for masterminding a pre-dawn blast outside a Starbucks Coffee shop on Memorial Day, police said Wednesday. Kyle Shaw was arrested Tuesday night on charges of arson, criminal possession of a weapon and criminal mischief, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

Continued here:
17-year-old blows up a Starbucks because he was inspired by Brad Pitt’s ‘Fight Club’ character

The ‘anti-theft’ lunch bag

The ‘anti-theft’ lunch bags are typical zip-lock bags used to store food that are printed with green splotches of mold. They make your freshly prepared lunch look spoiled, stopping sticky-fingered friends and/or co-workers from stealing your food. The design team is made up of mihoko ouichi and sherwood forlee.

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The ‘anti-theft’ lunch bag

Iran: Jailing the messengers

During the Iranian protests GlobalPost’s correspondent on the ground was arrested and jailed for over 3 weeks on suspicion of “collecting information for enemies” by the ever paranoid Iranian government.

Read more:
Iran: Jailing the messengers

Wal-Mart to Rate Products’ Impact on Environment

Wal-Mart, which has been venturing into environmentally sustainable products and business methods for the last few years, is about to announce its most ambitious effort yet on that front.

More here:
Wal-Mart to Rate Products’ Impact on Environment