Tag Archives: sustainability

22 HBCUs To Receive A Prius Hybrid Car Through Toyota’s Green Initiative

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Twenty-two select Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) and Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) schools will continue their commitment to sustainability with a one-year lease of a…

22 HBCUs To Receive A Prius Hybrid Car Through Toyota’s Green Initiative

International Tuna Meeting Fails to Reduce Bluefin Quotas – Short-Term Profits Trump Sustainability

Japan is overwhelmingly the world’s largest market for bluefin tuna, photo: Stewart Butterfield / Creative Commons Nearly two years ago to the day I wrote the headline New Bluefin Tuna Quota Levels Are A “Mockery of Science” and today the exact same thing still holds true: The International Commission for the Conservation… Read the full story on TreeHugger

International Tuna Meeting Fails to Reduce Bluefin Quotas – Short-Term Profits Trump Sustainability

Labeling Food Miles Catches on in Japan: Does It Help?

Image credit: The Association to Preserve the Earth, via Japan for Sustainability Harris Teeter may be stretching the concept of local food more than most, and industrial agriculture may be making efforts to go green , but with the 100 Mile Diet still going strong as a cultural phenomenon, the idea of labeling… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See original here:
Labeling Food Miles Catches on in Japan: Does It Help?

Prince (Not the Musician) on Tour for Sustainability

Image from the Prince of Wales Prince Charles is going on tour. Not to promote his new CD, but rather sustainable living. He will be travelling in his train, run by bio-fuels and playing at such well-known venues as a senior citizen’s apartment in Nottingham and an allotment in Todmorden. And tickets are free. In his travels he will be visiting projects… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
Prince (Not the Musician) on Tour for Sustainability

Madison Childrens’ Museum "Focuses on Sustainability from Inside Out"

Ever since Gehry’s Bilbao Guggenheim opened, the museum scene turned into a world of crazy starchitect one-upmanship, with lots of flash and not a lot of sustainability. Childrens’ museums are a little less flashy and more green; the Brooklyn Children’s Museum by Rafael Vinoly is LEED Silver, and the brand new Madison Children Museum will likely top that. They start their green pitch with a quote from Richard Moe : “The … Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the original post here:
Madison Childrens’ Museum "Focuses on Sustainability from Inside Out"

Cross Pollinating Ideas- NYC Hires New Sustainability Director from Portland

David Bragdon is headed to NYC photo: Daily Journal of Commerce Last week, Mayor Bloomberg announced that David Bragdon will take over as NYC’s new Director of the Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning & Sustainability, the office responsible for the creation and implementation of PlaNYC , the City’s twenty year vision for a more sustainable, more populated New York City. Bragdon was most recently the president of the

Originally posted here:
Cross Pollinating Ideas- NYC Hires New Sustainability Director from Portland

A 4300 SF House in the Suburbs Is Not a "Statement of Sustainability"

Victor Kam builds his dream house; Aaron Harris for the Toronto Star It started with the title: “Statement of Sustainability” where Ian Harvey writes in the Star about how Victor Kam is going green and he’s putting his money where his mouth is: He’s embarking on a million-dollar gamble to design and build the most practical, sustainable home possible just north of the city. It goes downhill from there, an example of everything that is wrong about “green building” and “sustainable design” as practiced by so many today. Where do we s… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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A 4300 SF House in the Suburbs Is Not a "Statement of Sustainability"

Scotland’s Big Tent Festival Adds Summer School to Promote Green Living

Dancing at last year’s Big Tent Festival. Image Credit: The Big Tent Last year, we covered Scotland’s Big Tent Festival , a weekend-long celebration dedicated to green and sustainable lifestyles. 2009’s edition included an impressive lineup of musicians, speakers and workshops. For the festival’s fifth birthday, its organizer, the Falkland Centre for Stewardship, is breaking out some new tricks. Foremost among these is Big Tent’s first annual Summer School- a three day workshop focused on teachin… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Scotland’s Big Tent Festival Adds Summer School to Promote Green Living

Walmart’s Sustainability Initiatives Explained

Image courtesy of Matt Kistler/Walmart This guest post was written by Matt Kistler, senior vice-president of sustainability at Walmart. At Walmart, sustainability continues to make us a better company by reducing waste, lowering costs, driving innovation, and helping us fulfill our mission to save people money so they can live better. In 2005, when we began our sustainability journey, we learned that taking a leadership role and collaborating with others that share our commitment and passion for sustaining the environment could benefit … Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the original post here:
Walmart’s Sustainability Initiatives Explained

John Ikerd: The Future of Sustainability Is Relocalization

This year’s Ontario Heritage Conference was all about rural communities, and there were the expected presentations about saving barns and old churches. But the remarkable thing about the conference was the strong environmental theme, with the tone set by John Ikerd, a retired professor of agricultural economics. He laid out a vision of revitalized, relocalized rural communities that would solve energy and environmental problems through the production of ” solar powered renewable energy and renewability machines”- plants. He notes that times are to… Read the full story on TreeHugger

John Ikerd: The Future of Sustainability Is Relocalization