Tag Archives: milk-the-social

Khloe Kardashian Can’t Fool Me of the Day

I don’t care what level of expensive surgery a girl gets, or what level of professional make-up artist who probably deserves to be doing gallery shows of their work, because they make these Kardashian monsters look like they are china dolls…but its a wolves in sheep’s clothing… I don’t care what what I would assume is 1500 dollars a day on hair, 1500 a day on make-up, 10,000 dollars a month on fillers in her face, and 8 hours a day in the gym, to look like this plastic shit….. It’s not impressive to me to have money to spend on bullshit, genetically she’s a fucking monster, and if she puts this much into her look, she’s clearly got a personality to match… Anything they do to her….may make her look tolerable for a rapper to jerk off on her…because rappers are into stripper looking girls who are also monsters who look just like this…it’s all over the social media…no thanks to this garbage family..but this is money invested in vapid, fleeting lies….that looking like this is a good thing, that buying your face is a good thing, and that can’t be much of a benefit of society…in both the girls following this lifestyle….and the wasted money that they could put to good use but instead pile up and spend on their asshole trashy new money selves… SHE’S NOT FUCKING HUMAN!!! The post Khloe Kardashian Can’t Fool Me of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Khloe Kardashian Can’t Fool Me of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Still Does Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Candice Swanepoel still does Victoria’s Secret, it’s really all she fucking knows. It’s the only job she’s really had, and since they saved her from South AFrican black crimes against racist slave driving white people, and HIV…so much HIV….but giving her a work Visa and celebrity…she owes it to them… She’s currently engaged, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t fucked countless rich dudes while dating her gay looking fiance…she’s pushing 30…and still has a rocking fucking body..but I still find her totally fucking boring…. We live in a world that being hot and half naked is enough to get noticed, followed or a like…but to really have impact…bitch needs a personality…or maybe I’m just low testosterone and not enough of a caveman to think “girls are just pussy, this girl is good pussy, even if this pussy is diseased, I’ll conquer it like a fucking primate”….and I’m all sensitive and shit, thinking “please do something more than the same fucking thing you’ve always done – 9 years later”….because I can just cross reference those pics, when she was young and better…why would I want to look at her at 30 doing it…when I have access to her youth…ya know…I know.. But then again, Victoria’s Secret, like everything have taken a cue from instagram and made their traditionally typical, the exact same shoots, for the same product shoots, more snapshot feelin’ and real…I mean bitch is actually smiling and having fun…weird.. The “Easter Egg” in these pics is the one with her wrinkled faceand double CHIN…just how we like our models… The post Candice Swanepoel Still Does Victoria’s Secret of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Candice Swanepoel Still Does Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Kendall Jenner Sluts Up for Love Magazine of the Day

I guess Kendall Jenner is in Love Magazine again. I figure they just did a photoshoot with all the girls from their Advent Calendar last fall, that they’ll release over the year in their magazine, because why bother coordinating with these people when you get them for a day to do the one cool thing the magazine does every year…. So get the social media whore to show up, milk the social media whore, feed into her rich kid ego, and hopefully she’ll plug you on social media so your company gets more followers and becomes higher profile.. That’s the only reason people are working with her, she’s not that hot, I can’t imagine she’s that good, because everything she does is shit, but peeople follow her bullshit…so latch the fuck onto it when you can like Love Magazine is doing….it’s good for business…some young spoiled rich kid…overrated slut is good for fucking business. What a joke.. The post Kendall Jenner Sluts Up for Love Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner Sluts Up for Love Magazine of the Day