Tag Archives: miss-the-mila

Fame Whoring for America Because July 4th is a Good Excuse to Fame Whore of the Day

As far as I’m concerned, this is the American Dream… Being a famewhore on the internet that the paparazzi have decided you’re relevant enough to have your picture taken in themed photoshoots just because they are desperate for content to sell pics…and these famewhores aren’t even that creative in what they do but know if they post theme pics the fame will possibly grow…rather than just ignoring the opportunity to get posted about… It’s silly, especially since there are girls on instagram who are actually young and hot doing their own version of the famewhore for July 4th….who have more following and more celebrity in their eco system…but the paparazzi is dated and only take pics of nobodies no one cares about.. Weird. Alicia Arden – Not a Celeb – But a Famewhore and that Counts…. Arianny Celeste Still Exists…for America Anna Braga – 50 Year Old Sex Worker Allison Stokke – Pole Rider Nadeea Volianova – Whatever the Fuck THis Is… Blanca Blanco in a Bikini To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE ———————————- JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Fame Whoring for America Because July 4th is a Good Excuse to Fame Whore of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Fame Whoring for America Because July 4th is a Good Excuse to Fame Whore of the Day

Mila Kunis Looking Slutty in Cosmo’s “Hot Sex Skills” Issue of the Day

Mila Kunis, mom of Two, with the worst possible dude ever, trying to keep the dream alive…of being hot… I miss the Mila Kunis who dated that Home ALone Culkin for what must have been 20 fucking years…because it made her seem a little more interesting, maybe a little creepy because she clearly had a fetish or crush on him growing up in Eastern Europe…watching the American media that was smuggled to her.. Now she’s old mom Mila who married a Kutcher because he’s fucking rich as fuck after that 70s show do to strategic investing and good timing and not necessarily genius….but who can debate that he’s not genius when he’s rich… I think it was a cop out for her to run back to her high school crush, but I guess they had been through so much together, like each dating very weird people long term before finding each other again…like BFFs…who understand each other because they were on set with each other as part of the phenom that was their show..and here she is looking long and lean, despite being short and old… She’s been hot, still hot maybe, but anyone that puts Kutcher sperm in her or him is the fucking worst whether they look good or not….all I see is his Kutcher face…. ———————————- JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Mila Kunis Looking Slutty in Cosmo’s “Hot Sex Skills” Issue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Mila Kunis Looking Slutty in Cosmo’s “Hot Sex Skills” Issue of the Day