Tag Archives: models-working

Joanna Halpin Nipples on Instagram of the Day

Joanna Halpin is a pretty insignificant model on instagram, which is the default modeling agency of the world…at least according to the lame fucking girls who have huge followings….while the number of followers an actual model has, doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money she makes modelling, because girls who are working models, don’t bother self promoting themselves like a bunch of fucking attention seeking hookers, trying to get noticed by the one dude who has a wallet, they are too busy already making money, and all the fringe instagram models, are just doing that shit for free, to get followers, or likes, because it makes them feel about being spoiled rich kids and/or broke ass models working at walmart… That said, here’s Joanna Halpin’s nipple…because real models show their nipples on instagram…and I like to look… The post Joanna Halpin Nipples on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Joanna Halpin Nipples on Instagram of the Day

Nabilla Benattia Brings the Cannes Nipple of the Day

Her name is Nabilla Benattia and she’s classing up Cannes, by pulling out her tit and pretending it wasn’t for a photo op, since Cannes is filled with as many paparazzi as bottom feeders trying to be seen by those paparazzi. This isn’t her first tit slip, SHE’S DONE IT BEFORE and I guess it worked out well enough for her to stage another one…even though I’ve already forgotten her and I just did this post… Here are a few more pics from her appearance… #492267789 / gettyimages.com #492193667 / gettyimages.com #492267789 / gettyimages.com #492193673 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Here is the original post:
Nabilla Benattia Brings the Cannes Nipple of the Day

Kaley Cuoco and Her Dog Erotica of the Day

I don’t know if this Kaley Cuoco topless with her dog for instagram is considered erotic, because I don’t find Kaley Cuoco hot in any way, making no pics of her erotic. I am going to assume some people like it, because she’s on that huge fucking TV show, where she plays the babe amongst the nerds, a character I assume a lot of people who watch that shit are into, and ignore the fact that she helped kill John Ritter…because back on that show, she was hot enough to stop hearts…literally…but then turning 20 happened. I do know that I like dogs, not sexually, but because they are more human than humans, and possess the traits humans wish they had, mainly loyalty….and anyone who loves their dog, enough to get naked with them, or make them INSTAGRAM is probably not as bad a person as you’d assume she is, even if she’s annoying, and all fucking hollywood…

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Kaley Cuoco and Her Dog Erotica of the Day

Die Antwoord’s New Video of the Day

Little known fact, many years ago I posted Die Antwoord’s first video, a few days before it went completely viral because they are fucking nut cases…who are now international superstars for being nut cases but I get no credit, no kickback, no money, no thank you…just a whole lot of nothin’…and that’s ok, because I like girl the girl in the band’s hard nipples, but more importantly, I like how fucking weird they are…I guess this is what happens when you are from South Africa and not dying of AIDS…

See the article here:
Die Antwoord’s New Video of the Day

Joanna Halpin by Byrdie Mack Nipple of the Day

Joanna Halpin is a pretty insignificant model on instagram, but from my experience, the number of instagram followers a model has, doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money she makes modelling, because girls who are working models, don’t bother self promoting themselves like a bunch of fucking attention seeking hookers, trying to get noticed by the one dude who has a wallet, they are too busy already making money, and all the fringe instagram models, are just doing that shit for free, to get followers, or likes, because it makes them feel about being spoiled rich kids and/or broke ass models working at walmart… That said, here’s Joanna Halpin’s nipple…because real models show their nipples and I always look!

Joanna Halpin by Byrdie Mack Nipple of the Day

Joanna Halpin by Byrdie Mack Nipple of the Day

Joanna Halpin is a pretty insignificant model on instagram, but from my experience, the number of instagram followers a model has, doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money she makes modelling, because girls who are working models, don’t bother self promoting themselves like a bunch of fucking attention seeking hookers, trying to get noticed by the one dude who has a wallet, they are too busy already making money, and all the fringe instagram models, are just doing that shit for free, to get followers, or likes, because it makes them feel about being spoiled rich kids and/or broke ass models working at walmart… That said, here’s Joanna Halpin’s nipple…because real models show their nipples and I always look!

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Joanna Halpin by Byrdie Mack Nipple of the Day

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hot Models Working It

I’m assuming this is video from some sort of car show, not that anyone gives a crap about the show. Wake up people there are hot chicks in little outfits dancing over here. Unless the cars are wearing bikinis, f@#k ‘em. *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Hot Models Working It Video More AmaTuna

Read the original here:
Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hot Models Working It