Tag Archives: little-outfits

Ashley Tisdale’s Hot Shorty Shorts

I kind of feel bad that I don’t know anything about this Ashley Tisdale bird, I’ve been posting pictures of her for years and I really don’t know what the hell she does. I always assumed she was on some kids show that I’m too old to be watching without going on to some sort of government list, but she’s got to be getting a little old for that kind of thing. I guess it doesn’t matter, she could be homeless for all I care, if she’s going to be wearing sexy little outfits like this I’m alright with it. Enjoy.

Ali Larter Rocks Some Little Cut Offs

It looks to me like Ali Larter has bounced back pretty nicely from her recent bout with pregnancy, I was a little worried for a while there. Here she is in a little pair of denim cut offs looking almost as sexy as she used to. I say almost because the thought of a human being clawing it’s way out of Ali’s nether regions has kind of tainted the whole thing for me, but I’m sure I can look past it. SOme bikini pictures might help. Your move.

Jessica Burciaga Slips Into Her Little Undies

I had a pretty hard time trying to figure out the best way to finish off the day today. Do I post shots of some famous celebrity walking down the street in sunglasses holding a frappuccino or do I find some half naked no-name with an awesome body? Tough choice, but I decided to go with the latter. Here’s some chick named Jessica Burciaga posing for a lingerie shoot in some sexy little outfits that barely manage to cover all the good parts. You’re welcome.

Eliza Doolittle’s Sweet Hipster Sideboob

I honestly still don’t know what it is this Eliza Doolittle chick does or what makes her famous, but she always seems to wear stupid looking tight little outfits so I’m not too concerned by it. Here she is braless in a loose fitting hipster top giving us a pretty decent look at her impressive hipster sideboob. Well played lady, well played.      

Mila Kunis Is Red Hot

I kinda want to go see Mila Kunis’ new movie Friends With Benefits , just because I want to see this hottie in little outfits, but I don’t think I’ll be able to sit through all the garbage and lame jokes. What a conundrum. Not to mention that Timberlake douche. Ugh. I guess it won’t be long before that crap is on DVD, so until then I’ll have to make due with these shots of Mila in her tight dress at the premiere. Nice. more pictures of Mila Kunis here

Katie Price Finally Makes a Comeback of the Day

I probably shouldn’t take credit for the Katie Price comeback, but my life fucking sucks and I figure if I can pretend I am part of something bigger than what I am actually a part of like Katie Price’s tits, I won’t jump in front of the fucking train…. You see a few weeks ago, I hit her up telling her to stop wasting her time with her retard crack baby cuz retards can’t remember if their mom was there for them growing up and retards don’t have repressed memories that surface and if they do…we never have to really hear about them except for in a series of grunts, groans and chronic masturbation episodes….. I told her to bring back her classy little outfits, and her subtle implants and start making appearances before she’s too old for people to care, even though she’s already too old for people to care. I told her she’s a fucking legend in the Glamor Model world of trash… So I just can’t contain my excitement seeing her here posing like a club kid from the 90s, cuz channelling her inner gay male on a cocktail of drugs and not just for his AIDS is something she’s amazing at….Amanda Lepour step the fuck back, Billionaire Katie Price is back in shameless self-promotion action and I love it. To See The Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link GO

Read this article:
Katie Price Finally Makes a Comeback of the Day

Blake Lively’s Incredible Bikini Hotness

I’m so happy this day has come, it’s like Chanukah in May, finally someone has decided to exploit Blake Lively’s incredible hotness for their own personal gain. Here’s the Gossip Girls hottie in the pages of Vogue magazine wearing various sexy little outfits ranging from bikinis to rubber short shorts. Yes, rubber short shorts! Can you believe it? After spending the last thirteen minutes looking at these pictures I wish my shorts were rubber. Gross.

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hot Models Working It

I’m assuming this is video from some sort of car show, not that anyone gives a crap about the show. Wake up people there are hot chicks in little outfits dancing over here. Unless the cars are wearing bikinis, f@#k ‘em. *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Hot Models Working It Video More AmaTuna

Read the original here:
Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hot Models Working It

Rihanna’s Got Some Cheese

I’ve been around this celebrity blogging racket for quite some time now and I’ve seen more than my share of upskirt pictures, but these shots of Rihanna getting into her SUV are turning my stomach.

See the original post here:
Rihanna’s Got Some Cheese

Kristin Cavallari Is Wet

Here’s Kristin Cavallari leaving the salon while her hair is still wet. Obviously I only posted these pictures because I had what I thought was a clever tittle, but in fact it only turned out to be a lame joke about lady boners. Ugh, this is a new low, all those years at celebrity blogger university are completely going to waste

Excerpt from:
Kristin Cavallari Is Wet