Tag Archives: money-grubbing

Jennifer Lopez Zombie Walk of the Day

Someone posted this picture of Jennifer Lopez on facebook. They saw her shopping, and all I saw was some evil money grubbing zombie walking like she was some kind of possessed demon on her way to eat our souls after brainwashing us with her shitty acting, music and everything else she’s polluted our culture, and the culture of rich evil dictators she has danced for in exchange or money, with… She’s the fucking worst, but this picture makes me laugh. Maybe it’s all the meds, maybe she is just the fucking zombie you’d assume she was…created to make rich people more rich…or maybe she just shit her pants…who cares, it’s fucking J.Lo, I can’t believe I’m even posting this.

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Jennifer Lopez Zombie Walk of the Day

Gigi Hadid isn’t Hot with and her Underage Boyfriend of the Day

Gigi Hadid has been modelling since she was two, which means she was a natural beauty who the general public thought “this girl really has something” and she decided to accept her god given disposition and pursue her dreams… It had nothing to do with her fame whore, money grubbing mother and rich botox father, who had rich friends, who decided to whore her out, and make her a “sex symbol” by 19…posing nude and in Sports Illustrated, attempting to be the next Kate Upton, because she got all the resources and not to mention everything she wants.. I mean why use Daddy’s billions for good, when you can pose naked on the internet…or on the red carpet with your Bieber Australian 17 year old boyfriend you sex offend while he sex offends her… She’s not hot…but luckily her dad can pay you to think she is…and her boyfriend, I mean…the fact he’s a money making popstar…and people still buy into this…pretty much reminds me we’re all fucking doomed. TO SEE THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Gigi Hadid isn’t Hot with and her Underage Boyfriend of the Day

Miley Cyrus Does Bikini Yoga of the Day

Last week, Miley was in Costa Rica with some friends…and in being in Costa Rica she did some spiritual fitness to cleanse her evil, money grubbing, spoiled brat soul, by “totally trying not to get fat cuz fat is so ewwww”….you see cuz she knows no one wants any of that…and I think she looks fucking awesome…her body is long and lean….tight and fit….bendy and fertile….and unfortunately, I’m a fucking fan of staring at her looking like this….when I, more than anyone I know what to hate her at my core…and at her core…but all I can think about is how good she looks and how willing I’d be to eat her period…cuz it must hold magical powers I want dripping off my chin….She’s the best….at least these pics are the best….for the fucking win…

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Miley Cyrus Does Bikini Yoga of the Day

Eva Doll Titties for Fashion of the Day

I am going to assume that Eva Doll is not this girls real name but it is instead her stripper name, the name they are trying to use to brand her and develop her as her own entity, only instead of being an actual stripper, who get paid 10 dollars a song to let strangers, often unshowered strangers, fondle her…..she’s the kind of strirpper who is models for photographers in the pretentious world of fashion…and you know what…I still get to see her tits, so it is virtually one in the same, just marketed differently…like a money grubbing trophy wife who married a billionaire is no officially a hooker getting 150 dollars a session, but she’s still a fucking whore….the model version…. This Eva Doll bitch is hot.

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Eva Doll Titties for Fashion of the Day

Jayde Nicole Craving Attention of the Day

I don’t keep track of Jayde Nicole, but last I heard she was dumped by her meal ticket and access to “The Hills”, so I can only assume she’ gone back to her roots, and to what actually got her in Hollywood, and that’s Playboy. So you can be expecting more boring staged naked pics of this cunt, because it is all she knows, and when she’s not riding one of her boyfriend’s for a free ride, she’s showing the world her vagina, hoping to land another rich guy to sweep her off her feet. It’s like going to a cattle auction, just the young, used up, money grubbing, self absorbed pussy version. Here she is craving attention… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Jayde Nicole Craving Attention of the Day