Tag Archives: money-on-dates

UFDolls Bring The Best Valentine on Valentine’s Day of the Day

The alternate Title – 10 Reasons why Sex Dolls are Better than Real Women….here’s that list…cuz I can clickbait as well as the next guy. 10-She Never Says No! 9- She is a Virgin….and Pure! 8- She Can’t Give you AIDS, or disappoint you, or Cheat on You, or Break your heart as all bitches do. 7- She doesn’t cost you tons of money on dates and gifts only to not fuck you. You don’t need to buy her Valentine’s Gifts….or any gifts…She won’t spend your money…or make you feel inadequate for not having money. 6- You Never have to apologize for ANYTHING….She won’t go through your phone… 5- She can’t accuse you of rape / date rape / hashtag me too. 4- She’s never annoying, and if she gives you dirty looks, you can throw her in the basement until you need to fuck her again. 3- ANAL ALL THE TIME…..without the FECES…. 2- She will never leave you! 1- She can’t get mad when you buy a second one…and you can dress her however you want, whenever you want…. This and is why this is the best Valentine ever…Sex Dolls from UFDOLLS are AMAZING…so get yourself one CLICK HERE !!! There is no such thing as lonely anymore, the future is now… So check out this stepGIRLS shoot….making our girl…who we haven’t named yet…famous….like an influencer of her own, with some influencer style nudity in the form of an slutty shoots by girls trying to get noticed….only starring a girl with stronger morals and values because she’s not alive and tainted by the world… Fuck Yeah! Here’s the best Valentine ever…. GET YOURS NOW CLICK HERE GET YOURS NOW CLICK HERE Here a video of her / Them / They Can All Be Yours…how can you not want one of these? Bust out that credit card, customize your bitch, and bust nut in her as often as you want….LEGEND! Send It. GET YOURS NOW CLICK HERE The post UFDolls Bring The Best Valentine on Valentine’s Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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UFDolls Bring The Best Valentine on Valentine’s Day of the Day

Is Your Man Hood Rich??

What’s worse than a cheap brother or a broke guy? One who simply can’t manage his funds. It may seem cool, at first, when he’s lavishing money on dates and gifts…but do you want to build a future with someone who’s fiscally irresponsible? Here are a few hints that your gent isn’t good with his finances. Take note (and maybe offer the brother a few pointers to get him on track)! Continued at MadameNoire.com

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Is Your Man Hood Rich??