Tag Archives: more-social

Google to make travel search even more social


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Important update from the Googleplex today with news that searches will now feature more from a user’s friends on social media sites and integration within the main results page. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Tnooz Discovery Date : 17/02/2011 17:09 Number of articles : 2

Google to make travel search even more social

Urban Planners Make You Fat

Georgian London, with green squares everywhere April recently wrote Bike-Happy, Ped-Friendly Cities Less Obese , but how do they get that way? George Monbiot writes that “We are, to a surprising extent, what the built environment makes us,” quoting a series of studies which show trees make us more social, quiet areas are friendlier and vegetation reduces crime. He also notes the relationship between urban planning and body mass index: … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Urban Planners Make You Fat