Tag Archives: more-vigorous

Cars could run on Whisky

Could it get any better? The Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland has filed a patent for its research which is based on a new biofuel based on whisky residue that can … http://itgrunts.com/2010/08/17/cars-could-run-on-whisky/ added by: itgrunts

Australia Sex Party

SYDNEY, Australia — They see themselves variously as “filling a gap” in Australian politics and “sticking it up” those American-style neo-cons of Australian society. And while sober discussion of immigration, workers’ rights and economic policy has thus far trumped talk of pornography and pole dancing, the misfits of the Australian Sex Party (ASP) are campaigning voraciously across the country in the lead-up to the Aug. 21 general elections. With their mandate of “keeping the government out of our bedrooms,” ASP’s policies generally revolve around, you guessed it, sex. Straddling the line where sex meets national politics, the policies of the party — formed in 2008 — include greater sex education in schools, opposing mandatory internet filters, more vigorous investigation into claims of child sex abuse in religious institutions and listing medication for treating sexual dysfunctions on the public subsidy program. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/asia/100812/sex-education-australia-elections added by: ampersand