Tag Archives: more-worldly

End Of Days: Church Does Trap-Rap Routine For Congregation “Betcha Can’t Read The Bible Like Me!” [Video]

These churches are more worldly than rap videos nowadays!

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End Of Days: Church Does Trap-Rap Routine For Congregation “Betcha Can’t Read The Bible Like Me!” [Video]

May The Oppression Be With You: George Lucas Says He Sold Star Wars To “White Slavers”

George Lucas Says ‘Star Wars’ Was Sold To “White Slavers” Even after clocking over $1 billion at the box office worldwide in just a few days, OG Star Wars creator George Lucas ain’t feelin’ the new version of his baby. In fact, Lucas feels like the new producers just bit his whole style from the original flick and didn’t do enough to make “The Force Awakens” it’s own entity. Via NYDailyNews “They wanted to do a retro movie,” Lucas said in an interview with Charlie Rose. “I don’t like that.” “Every movie, I work very hard to make them different,” he continued. “I make them completely different, with different planets and different spaceships, to make it new.” He also called the first six movies his “kids,” saying he “sold them to white slavers that take these things and…,” before halting the remark and laughing it off, presumably thinking better of it. Now before you go and weep for Lucas and his tragically bastardized creativity, be aware that he sold Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012 for, wait for it…$4 BILLION! Boo-the-f***-hoo, George Lucas. Boo f***ing hoo. Far as the “slavers” comment, there was prolly a MUCH better choice of words considering he has a black wife and the ugly controversy surrounding black “storm trooper” John Boyega. Image via WENN

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May The Oppression Be With You: George Lucas Says He Sold Star Wars To “White Slavers”