Tag Archives: motion-capture

AFI Fest Closer The Adventures of Tintin Captures Throwback Charm at Breakneck Pace

The 2011 AFI Fest drew to a close Thursday night with the North American public premiere of The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn , directed, appropriately enough, by AFI -associated Steven Spielberg . Though he was unable to attend in person (much of the crew of Tintin , including Spielberg, was on location filming Lincoln ), he sent star Jamie Bell in his stead to introduce the film and play a pre-recorded message for the audience at the Grauman’s Chinese, which became so packed festival goers spilled over into a second overflow theater for the premiere.

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AFI Fest Closer The Adventures of Tintin Captures Throwback Charm at Breakneck Pace

New Tintin Trailer Promises Even More Adventure, Burning Pirate Ships and Camels Than Before

Just when you thought that the trailers for Steven Spielberg’s upcoming The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn couldn’t get any more action-packed, Paramount and Columbia have unveiled a brand new peak at the highly-anticipated motion capture 3-D film that will have you frantically etching the release date — December 23 in the U.S. — onto every available calendar surface. Just like you’ve already done for Adam Sandler’s Jack and Jill .

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New Tintin Trailer Promises Even More Adventure, Burning Pirate Ships and Camels Than Before