Tag Archives: movie-because

Jessica Biel Is Almost Too Hot

I wasn’t planning on going to see the A-Team movie because I didn’t want it to ruin my fond memories of the TV show, but after seeing these pictures of Jessica Biel’s awesome body I may reconsider. I always knew she was hot, but this is almost too much for me. I think I’m going to wait for the DVD to come out so that I can watch Jessica in high definition and in slow motion with the lights off and maybe some scented candles. I can’t wait. That ass is delicious.

Lindsay Lohan — Dumped from Film

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Michael Lohan , Celebrity Justice Lindsay Lohan was axed from a movie because she’s not “bankable” — this according a source connected with the production of the flick. Lindsay was slated to star in “The Other Side,” a movie about a grad student working on a deserted island. David… Read more

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Lindsay Lohan — Dumped from Film

Shannon Elizabeth A Forgotten Hottie

Here’s Shannon Elizabeth (remember her?) at some club doing nothing. I have no clue what she does anymore, but she knows how to work a tight pair of jeans and that deserves some attention. Anyway, I think they should make another American Pie movie because Shannon needs to get naked again so we can focus on her two sweet talents.

Megan Fox as a Cheerleader for Some Movie of the Day

Megan Fox is a Cheerleader in her new movie that I assume is a shitty horror movie because she’s covered in blood, that or she’s dressed up like a fuckin’ tampon and I figure that doesn’t make sense and that I’d post the pictures even though I don’t have anything to say about this shit, that I haven’t already said about This Movie and Her Topless Scene so why feed you more bullshit, than I already do, so I’m saving you energy. Here are the screenshots. I know you love them, cuz everyone loves Megan Fox, that’s why she gets work and the media wants you to think you’re gay if you don’t love her.

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Megan Fox as a Cheerleader for Some Movie of the Day