Tag Archives: movie-opened

Titanic, Battlefield Earth and 9 More Abandoned Movie Web Sites

Yesterday, the official Web site for the film Space Jam — which hasn’t been updated since the movie opened 14 years ago — had quite the resurgence when it was discovered to still be working and functioning like it was 1996. Naturally, the site’s existence got us wondering about other abandoned, obsolete official film sites from this particular era of the Internet. And hoo boy, we found some gems.

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Titanic, Battlefield Earth and 9 More Abandoned Movie Web Sites

Iran hangs 13 ‘enemies of Allah’

The Amnesty International has criticized the Islamic Republic of Iran for executing 13 Baluch in Zahedan.Iran routinely hangs Kurds and Baluch in public– two nations in the Middle East who were denied statehood… read more

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Iran hangs 13 ‘enemies of Allah’

Did Twitter Kill Brüno?

Twitter has made it easy for word-of-mouth to spread faster than words from mouths to ears. Brüno, Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest anything-for-a-laugh flick, is case in point. The movie opened huge on Friday, but…

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Did Twitter Kill Brüno?