Tag Archives: musings

Ron Burgundy to Release Memoir

We know he can play the flute. And woo women. And guzzle milk like a champ. But who knew Ron Burgundy could write?!? The beloved newscaster has announced that he will release a memoir in anticipation of Anchorman 2 . It will be titled “Let Me Off at the Top!: My Classy Life and Other Musings” and it will hit book shelves on November 19. Teased Burgundy in a press release: “I don’t know if it’s the greatest autobiography ever written. I’m too close to the work. I will tell you this much: the first time I sat down and read this thing…I cried like a goddamn baby, and you can take that to the bank!” To paraphrase one of our favorite Anchorman quotes , we’d rather take it to a glass case of emotion. Maybe while eating a wheel of cheese.

The rest is here:
Ron Burgundy to Release Memoir

What Can We Glean from the New Prometheus Poster — Besides Its Lame Tagline?

Ridley Scott has settled on a tagline for his pseudo-prequel to Alien , the star-studded June 2013 release Prometheus : “The Search For Our Beginning Could Lead To Our End.” Does that sound a little too much like the Breaking Dawn: Part I tag “Forever is Only the Beginning” to anyone? Both are Hallmarkian takes on mortality, which is a shame considering Prometheus should be one of the most original thrillers of next year. Its new poster, along with our musings thereon, follow.

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What Can We Glean from the New Prometheus Poster — Besides Its Lame Tagline?

By Mark Jalkanen/DMG Web Columnist (The Daily Mining Gazette)

Who cares if the Tigers make the playoffs? Another Stanley Cup would pale

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By Mark Jalkanen/DMG Web Columnist (The Daily Mining Gazette)

After losing to Lions, Zorn’s job in jeopardy (Sports Illustrated)

MINNEAPOLIS — Musings, observations and the occasional insight as we try to fathom the latest, and undoubtedly one of the greatest, last-second comeback miracles in Brett Favre’s long and eventful 19-year NFL career….

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After losing to Lions, Zorn’s job in jeopardy (Sports Illustrated)