Tag Archives: neighbourhood

Watch Troye Sivan’s Steamy And Heartbreaking ‘Fools’ Video

Troye Sivan continues his ‘Blue Neighbourhood’ video trilogy with the heartbreaking ‘Fools.’

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Watch Troye Sivan’s Steamy And Heartbreaking ‘Fools’ Video

The Single Best Vine in the History of Vine of the Day

With all the celebrity death, useless gossip and news, we always lose sight of what is important, especially this holiday season, and that is midget strippers on Vine flying through the air…only to fail…because failure is a state of mind…and as far as I’m concerned…she’s fucking won… I love all this has to offer…

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The Single Best Vine in the History of Vine of the Day

Jesus Martinez on Vivid Radio with Brandy Aniston of the Day

Her name is Brandy Aniston and I’ve never heard of her, but apparently she’s a big adult star who is more than just an adult star, if there is such thing as being more than just a adult star once you are an adult star, since being an adult star is everything that matters…She hosts “In With Aniston” a show on Vivid Radio which can be found at 5 pm PST, 8 PM EST, on Vivid Radio – Sirius XM 102 and I was asked to be a Guest… You see, I run the single most relevant site on the internet, and I agreed to do it, because I am trying to get a DrunkenStepfather.com Radio show of my own, I pitched Vivid Radio months ago on the best thing to happen to the Radio since the Radio, but they keep rejecting my advances, kinda like most girls I try to sleep with….it’s okay to be scared at first but…I always win….but I guess they’ll find out tonight…. Check me out at 5 pm Pacific and 8 pm Eastern on Vivid Radio on Sirius XM 102…I’ll be the one hypnotizing you with my words… I repeat…I will be on Vivid Radio today…and it will change your life…found on Sirius XM 102… See you there and if you’re a girl who wants to have live phone sex with me, I am very good at it, you can call in at 1 855-99-VIVID…call in. It’ll be nice to show the Radio how much we matter…

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Jesus Martinez on Vivid Radio with Brandy Aniston of the Day

Paul Walker Was a Sex Offender of the Day

People only like creepy sex offenders when they are famous, because when my neighbor bangs 16 year olds, and it is legal in Canada…he gets all kinds of looks, especially when trying to cross the border, at restaurants, etc… So, the story goes like this – 40 Year old Paul walker started dating some girl named Jasmine Pilchard-Gosneil 7 years ago.. The plot twist is that she’s on 23 now, meaning she was 16 when they first started hooking up…. Which to me makes perfect sense, because his fan base is 12-16…they are still young enough to have no taste in movies…so the girls throwing themselves at him are going to be that age…it’s the same logic as to why Barney the Purple Dinosaur raped little kids. It also makes sense to me because 16 year olds have tight bodies, I mean with the hormones in the food and periods at 4, 16 is the new 18, obviously…girls are so much more mature now…not that he needs mature since the foundation of his death was driving like a 16 year old…he knew better. You have no sympathy for a sex offender…and Paul Walker…is a sex offender…not that there is anything wrong with that…except when they move into your neighbourhood…and are registered… Being rich, famous, a teen heart throb, in his 30s, preying on a teen is pretty predatorily…whether they were “engaged” or not…but then again, he was Mormon and this is normal behavior for Mormons…who cares. Ok so Paul Walker wasn’t a sex offender…he was just mormon…I get it, he’s dead, who cares…I just like pointing fun post-death facts out. Leave me alone.

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Paul Walker Was a Sex Offender of the Day

Another celebrity announces pregnancy

Academy Award-winning actress Marion Cotillard is pregnant, People reported on Monday.

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Another celebrity announces pregnancy

Newton out of rehab, back at old haunt

OFF-the-rails actor Matt Newton has furrowed some brows in Sydney after rehab and returning to the neighbourhood where some of his troubles started.

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Newton out of rehab, back at old haunt

I Wish This Was: Dreaming Of A Better Place

Designer Candy Chang complains that New Orleans is full of vacant storefronts; she notes that her neighbourhood is still without a grocery store. She wishes things were different, and made “fill-in-the-blank stickers to provide an easy tool to voice what we want, where we want it.” It is a good idea that could work in a lot more places than just New Orleans; I could think of few things to wish for where I Iive…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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I Wish This Was: Dreaming Of A Better Place

Pacific Garbage Patch Plastic to be Recycled Into Vacuum Cleaners (Video)

Images via Vac from the Sea project Electrolux is known for pushing the envelope on design, including sustainable design. And their latest project has our full attention. Pointing out that there isn’t enough recycled plastic on land to supply demand, Electrolux is backing a project that would pull plastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and recycle it into appliances like vacuum cleaners. The project would simultaneously create (… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Pacific Garbage Patch Plastic to be Recycled Into Vacuum Cleaners (Video)

Cul-De-Sacs Make You Fat

Add another to our endless series of things that make you fat, many of which have to do with planning and design. The Harvard Business Review reports on a new study by Lawrence Frank of the University of British Columbia, that analyzed conditions in King County, Washington; he found that residents in neighbourhoods with grids and interconnected streets travelled 26% fewer miles by car than did those who lived in the neighbourhood of cul-de-sacs. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Cul-De-Sacs Make You Fat