Tag Archives: nerd-princess

Sara Jean Underwood’s Tight Nerdy Hotness

Not to be out done by Adrianne Curry’s nerdy hotness , the new nerd princess on the block Sara Jean Underwood stepped up her game yet again. Here she is dressed as what I can only assume is some sort of Japanese comic superhero or something, how the hell am I supposed to know, showing off her amazing little body. Unbelievable. I wonder if this chick would be getting so much attention if she was just a traditional bikini model, I doubt it, without the nerd angle she’d probably have to “dat” rich old dudes to make ends meet. Luckily for us that’s not happening. Enjoy. more pictures of Sara Jean Underwood here

Who Cares About Olivia Munn When Now We’ve Got Sara Jean Underwood?

Now that my new favorite hottie Sara Jean Underwood has taken over the resident Attack Of The Show nerd princess role, who cares what Olivia Munn is up to. Here she is trying to regain a little of her former glory in a lame Sailor Moon costume. Nice try. It’s always sad when people try to recapture their old self, like Michael Jordan coming out of retirement. Olivia needs to hang up the slut boots and call it a career.

Olivia Munn’s Fat Twitter Cleavage

Former nerd princess Olivia Munn is really trying hard to get people to watch the first episode of her crappy new sitcom, I can’t imagine it lasting anymore than the one, here she is backstage at Letterman getting her fat cleavage ready for the show. If she’s going to feature juicy front meat like this on every episode I know I’ll be watching. Anyhow, this is why I love the Twitter , half assed celebrities showing off their fat breasts. Good times.

Olivia Munn’s Fat Twitter Cleavage

Former nerd princess Olivia Munn is really trying hard to get people to watch the first episode of her crappy new sitcom, I can’t imagine it lasting anymore than the one, here she is backstage at Letterman getting her fat cleavage ready for the show. If she’s going to feature juicy front meat like this on every episode I know I’ll be watching. Anyhow, this is why I love the Twitter , half assed celebrities showing off their fat breasts. Good times.

Olivia Munn Gets Naked For Something

This post is kind of annoying, I’m not afraid to admit that, but it’s nerd princess Olivia Munn getting naked…. Sort of. Here she is unveiling the poster to her new naked elephant circus or something along those lines, I have trouble reading text that’s next to a naked chick. This crap would probably get more press if she was at least semi nude for the press conference, maybe lose the top, just a suggestion. Anyhow, she’s hot and I look forward to watching her naked trapeze act when her circus comes to town. Enjoy. more pictures of Olivia Munn here