Tag Archives: never-leaves

Aubrey O’Day’s Got Back of the Day

I guess the Once you Go Black You Never Go Back theory doesn’t apply to Aubrey O’Day… I wonder if losing the weight and going from fat dumpy white girl white guys were disgusted to stick their dick inside because her ass made their dicks look so small to fit enough from the right angle thanks to the way her implants slim her out..and a few sit ups can change everything…. Here she is in a bikini, and luckily even that shit doesn’t make her matter. [galler}

Aubrey O’Day’s Got Back of the Day

Aubrey O’Day’s Got Back of the Day

I guess the Once you Go Black You Never Go Back theory doesn’t apply to Aubrey O’Day… I wonder if losing the weight and going from fat dumpy white girl white guys were disgusted to stick their dick inside because her ass made their dicks look so small to fit enough from the right angle thanks to the way her implants slim her out..and a few sit ups can change everything…. Here she is in a bikini, and luckily even that shit doesn’t make her matter. [galler}

Aubrey O’Day’s Got Back of the Day

Miley Cyrus Hard Nipples of the Day

Miley is so unoriginal – my pug’s been doing that face for the last 5 years…and pugs before him have been doing that face for the last 300 hundred years…but I guess that’s typical behavior from some vapid, spoiled, Disney cunt who is trying to re-invent her spoiled self from the comfort of her own home she never leaves because the paparazzi will eat her up and when she does leave her house she dresses as silly as possible, with no bra, because she never wears a bra and that all helps this plastic bullshit hip hip image she’s trying to create for herself, even though we all know Miley isn’t hard, and the only thing hard about her is how many naps she can take a day, or how rude she can be to her Mexican house staff for not ironing her shirts fast enough… The whole thing is silly but she turns me on in a very weird way… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER HARD NIPPLES CLICK HERE TO SEE PICS OF HER SMOKING IN SHORT SHORTS CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus Hard Nipples of the Day

Miley Cyrus Hard Nipples of the Day

Miley is so unoriginal – my pug’s been doing that face for the last 5 years…and pugs before him have been doing that face for the last 300 hundred years…but I guess that’s typical behavior from some vapid, spoiled, Disney cunt who is trying to re-invent her spoiled self from the comfort of her own home she never leaves because the paparazzi will eat her up and when she does leave her house she dresses as silly as possible, with no bra, because she never wears a bra and that all helps this plastic bullshit hip hip image she’s trying to create for herself, even though we all know Miley isn’t hard, and the only thing hard about her is how many naps she can take a day, or how rude she can be to her Mexican house staff for not ironing her shirts fast enough… The whole thing is silly but she turns me on in a very weird way… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER HARD NIPPLES CLICK HERE TO SEE PICS OF HER SMOKING IN SHORT SHORTS CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus Hard Nipples of the Day

Mariah Carey Blowdrying Her Hair Porn of the Day

Here’s a new fetish of mine – Mariah Carey in a tight dress pretending to do her own hair, even though you know this high maintenance diva has a hair stylist on staff and never leaves the house without her, because that’s just the way celebrities are. But I guess it’s nice to pretend, I do it every time I have sex with my wife, you know by pretending it isn’t happening, or pretending that smell is just the garbage I forgot to bring out, filled with rotting meat and not unhygienic pussy I’m at least an inch deep in…. Either way, here’s the pic

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Mariah Carey Blowdrying Her Hair Porn of the Day

Britney Spears Sunset Shopping

After stepping out with boyfriend Jason Trawick to squash rumors that they had broken up, Britney Spears was spotted shopping in Hollywood with some wild hair. The pop star was on Sunset Blvd, in the parking lot of Poquito Mas and hit up a small boutique while she kept her car running with the music blasting.

Hats A Nice Photo

We spotted Catherine Zeta-Jones in NYC this morning and couldn’t help but notice something familiar – like the hat.