Tag Archives: new-musical

DVD: However You Spend Valentine’s Day, Spend It With Audrey Hepburn

Heaven knows, Hollywood keeps churning out the pixie-ish leading ladies for its romantic comedies, but pretty much no one in the history of American cinema has succeeded in out-gamine-ing Audrey Hepburn, the Dutch-born superstar who has become the standard for, well, just about everything for subsequent generations of starry-eyed women. So whether you’re dating, married, or sitting out this V-Day, let Miss Hepburn be your guide.

DVD: However You Spend Valentine’s Day, Spend It With Audrey Hepburn

Newsies Musical Gets Start Date

Newsies , perhaps the greatest Bad Movie We Love , will hit Broadway as a new musical from Sept. 15-Oct. 16 at Millburn, New Jersey’s Paper Mill Playhouse. Original composer Alan Menken is signed on, and he says the show “latche[s] onto exciting elements of what we had in the movie,” while “minimizing the things that were not so great about the movie.” This is a man who understands lovable badness. [ NYT ]

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Newsies Musical Gets Start Date