Tag Archives: audrey-hepburn

Bella Thorne is Running Out of Ideas of the DAy

Bella Thorne is iconic at least in terms of the quality of celebrity the youth are looking for. She’s the Audrey Hepburn of her generation. She’s the kind of girl booking jobs, who people who are obsessed with, not just pervert old dudes, because the Kardashians have paved the way for a generation to follow you based on your tits alone…and you don’t need actual work…or talent…or substance to get where you need to be. You just need to be shameless in your outfit choices and attention seeking…and the people will follow, and in turn the industry will follow, even though that behaviour of trashy exhibitionist should be reserved for pornstars and not actual legitimate “actors”…. Kids want half naked, all they care about is social media pictures…half naked social media pictures…and if you can do that and book low level shitty movies with vine stars…that’s what they watch…they are empty, superficial, materialistic, candy coated fluff, into banal without the anal, she saves that for her downtime….because all these kids, along take what is served, have no taste or want for quality, or to push things forward…it gets in the way of their selfies… Luckily, for us, all these oversexed perverts, created content for us undersexed actual perverts.. we all only need cleavage and tits to care…and this one, gets a lot of hype and all it takes is a series of sports bras…sports bras that get more and more slutty..but we’re ready for more vagina and spread asshole. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Bella Thorne is Running Out of Ideas of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne is Running Out of Ideas of the DAy

Nicole Kidman’s hat picture

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Nicole Kidman’s hat picture

REVIEW: The Loneliest Planet, One Of The Year’s Finest

Compact and athletic in their identical cargo pants, Alex ( Gael García Bernal ) and Nica (Hani Furstenberg) are almost the same size, a pair of well-traveled pixies making their way through Georgia (the country, not the state). They’re engaged to be married, but in the meantime they’re backpacking, a journey that, when  The Loneliest Planet begins, is about to take them into the Caucasus Mountains on a multi-day hike for which they’ve hired a guide named Dato (Bidzina Gujabidze). They look so happy and free, Nica and Alex, trying out the few phrases of Georgian they’ve picked up and partaking of local street food after a minor investigation as to what kind of meat it involves. They’re the opposite of ugly Americans (Alex might not actually be American at all), ready to try anything and quietly confident that they’ll be welcomed, that the world is meant to be explored. The third film from Julia Loktev ( Day Night Day Night ) and, by this critic’s reckoning, one of the finest of the year,  The Loneliest Planet  is based on a short story by Tom Bissell that’s itself inspired by a famous Hemingway work,  The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber . That earliest incarnation of this narrative is about a wealthy couple on a hunting trip in Africa lead by a professional guide, the wife a beautiful, emasculating figure who punishes her husband for a recent display of cowardice out in the bush. Bissell offered up a less toxic, contemporized take on the characters, but Loktev’s version is something else again, a profoundly cinematic exploration of the way a single incident completely unsettles the way this man and woman think of each other and themselves. The Loneliest Planet  is primarily a three-person drama, and its eventual deep emotional turmoil and the power shifts that come with it play out not in speech but in behavior, submerged in everything from the withholding of physical contact to the formation in which the trio of hikers walks. The splintering incident, which takes place at the midpoint of the film, is in fact never discussed, though it reverberates throughout everything that follows. It’s a frightening but relatively minor thing that comes complete with a punchline, the kind of story you’d get mileage out of at a dinner party, but what it reveals about Alex and, eventually, Nica, is such that the couple stumbles through the hours after in a state of shock. The Loneliest Planet  was made with an intoxicating and precise faith in the ability of images to convey feelings that words would be too clumsy and blunt to appropriately delineate. Its sophistication in its storytelling isn’t minimalism, exactly – the film never feels like it’s making a gimmick of its stretches of silence or choosing them over exchanges of dialog, but rather makes it clear that speech is unnecessary or inadequate. The film’s giant in scope, set against gorgeous wilderness, pulling back for periodic long shots in which the characters are tiny beside the splendid scenery. But its dramas are claustrophobic, defined in part by the presence of Dato as the outsider witnessing this implosion, the three always in each other’s company as they make their way over rocky and grassy terrain and break to camp for the night. Loktev, working with cinematographer Inti Briones, allows the film to flow out in long takes, the camera another impassive observer, sometimes still and other times tracking alongside the trio as they walk. The unbroken shots demand very intimate performances – Bernal and Furstenberg both have interesting, mobile faces that are allowed to occupy the frame for unhurried beats. Furstenberg, with her bright red hair and gap teeth, is a goofily unconventional beauty, and Bernal’s at his best like this, when he allows his handsomeness to be accompanied by a note of shiftiness. He and Furstenberg suggest their characters’ whole history together in easy shorthand, from the game they make of conjugating verbs in Spanish to the way they settle in to read Knut Hamsun at night in their tent. They aren’t smug, but a halo of bohemian sophistication illuminates many of their actions, from Nica’s insistence that she doesn’t need help navigating a tricky crossing to Alex noting that he doesn’t have a car, only a bicycle. As it’s put to the test several times in the latter half of the film, it’s revealed as a surface quality covering up underlying expectations neither Nica nor Alex may have realized they harbored. Non-pro Gujabidze brings both a dry humor and an almost frightening soulfulness to his character. As Nica drifts to his side, a cowed Alex trails after them, seeking out penance by insisting they needn’t stop when he hurts his leg and going out into the rain without a jacket. Dato’s otherness becomes evident and a kind of test, the life he’s led so different and so marked by tragedy that he dwarfs Nica and Alex in the privilege they’ve been able to enjoy, in the existences that have left them unscarred, fresh and unaware. They are, for all their curiosity and adventurousness, just visitors, passing through and taking in these sites and experiences before heading home. For all the film’s long silences, it’s the opening up and talking that becomes the loneliest moment of them all, a sharp and the sudden reveal of the distance that can exist between two people. Follow Alison Willmore on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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REVIEW: The Loneliest Planet, One Of The Year’s Finest

James Bond Loot Heads For The Gavel As 007 Turns 50

The time is ripe for a James Bond auction. The latest in the franchise, Skyfall , heads to North American theaters in early November and the 50th anniversary of 007 is a key slot for a memorabilia sale. Posters from every Bond pic, stills, lobby cards, scripts and other memorables will hit the auction block and in December and is expected to take in over $200K. But the loot may pail in comparison to an earlier sale of Bond tidbits, including a bathing suit worn by 007’s latest incarnation, Daniel Craig . One of the centerpieces of the planned sale of Bond memorabilia is a rare From Russia With Love special advance Leicester Square world-premiere poster from 1963, according to Reuters. It is one of only a handful known to exist and it’s expected to nab $10,000 – $15,000. Certainly not bad, though not quite the tidy sum swimming trunks worn by Daniel Craig in Casino Royale fetched at a separate London auction . Judi Dench presented the swimming costume (as the Brits call it) and joked they were “unwashed,” selling for a cool $72,000. The latest items going under the hammer were assembled by a private British collector over 25 years, noted the auction house’s head Joe Maddalena. “He wanted to build the most comprehensive James Bond movie poster collection,” he said. “It’s really a mind-boggling collection.” Maddalena pointed out a yellow Dr. No silkscreen on linen poster from 1962 that is thought to be the very first 007 film poster ever to appear to the public. Other highlights going on sale is a rare U.K. advance for Goldfinger and a 1964 British Thunderball poster from 1965. They’re expected to sell for $4,000 – $6,000, though Maddalena noted that he tries to keep estimates “conservative.” The auction will take place n Los Angeles December 15 and 16 and will include hundreds of other Hollywood-themed memorabilia aside from Bond. Auctions have reaped huge sums in past sales. Marilyn Monroe’s “subway” dress from The Seven Year Itch sold for a whopping $5.5 million, while Audrey Hepburn’s Ascot dress from My Fair Lady grabbed $4.4 million. [ Source: Reuters ]

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James Bond Loot Heads For The Gavel As 007 Turns 50

Eva Mendes naked

Eva Mendes is beautiful posing for the camera here in these magazine photo shoot pictures where she is completely naked holding onto her breasts with her lovely tight round ass out for everyone to see at the same time. Continue reading

Sarah Longbottom naked

She is Sarah Longbottom, 24 years old and represents the UK cyber girl for Playboy. Dreaming to become a modern Audrey Hepburn, with a stylish character and appearance, but just not so well dressed. Continue reading

Dane Cook on His Days As a Stand-Up Therapist, Personal Tragedy and Answers to Nothing

Whether or not you buy into Dane Cook ‘s brand of humor, you must acknowledge that the Boston-born stand-up has cornered a sizable comedy market and successfully infiltrated the movie business. Up next, Cook attempts to make the most challenging transition of his career — from dependable funnyman to respected actor.

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Dane Cook on His Days As a Stand-Up Therapist, Personal Tragedy and Answers to Nothing

Don’t Get Daniel Craig Started on the Kardashians

“I think there’s a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel,” the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo lead opined in a recent interview when the subject of attention-craved stars came up. “You can’t buy your privacy back. Ooh, I want to be alone. F– you. We’ve been in your living room. We were at your birth. It is a career; I’m not being cynical. And why wouldn’t you? Look at the Kardashians, they’re worth millions… I don’t think they were that badly off to begin with, but now look at them. You see that and you think, ‘What, you mean all I have to do is behave like a f–ing idiot on television and then you’ll pay me millions?’ I’m not judging it. Well, I am, obviously.” [ EW ]

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Don’t Get Daniel Craig Started on the Kardashians

Beyonce Flaunts Baby Bump In ‘Countdown’ Video

New clip, released Thursday (October 6), references iconic dance films. By John Mitchell Beyonce in her “Countdown” video Photo: Columbia Records Beyonc

Sneak Peek Of Beyonce’s “Countdown” [VIDEO]

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Beyonce is giving her fans a sneak peek at her new video for “Countdown.” Bey channels style maven Audrey Hepburn and makes funny faces dressed like a mime as she shows off her growing baby bump. Definitely looks like a fun feel good video.The video will debut in full on Thursday on MTV. Check out the 30-second sneak peek of the video below and tell us what you think: Beyonce Puts The “Pulse” In Fragrance Launch [PHOTOS] Pregnant Beyonce On Jay-Z: I “Hate” The Way He Smells Now

Sneak Peek Of Beyonce’s “Countdown” [VIDEO]