Mother Sets Newborn Child On Fire In Middle Of Her Neighborhood This a really horrific story . Via MailOnline : A newborn baby has died after its mother allegedly doused it in a flammable liquid, set it alight and left it burning in a road. Witnesses say 22-year-old Hyphernkemberly Dorvilier got out of her car and stopped in the middle of Simontown Road in Pemberton Township, New Jersey, on Friday night and burned the child alive. Medics rushed to the scene and airlifted the young child, which was still alive and breathing when they arrived, to St Christopher’s Hospital in Philadelphia with severe burns. However the baby succumbed to its injuries a short time later. Emergency services were called to the scene after residents described a ‘commotion’ inside a nearby home before the horrific act. Neighbor Dave Joseph, 45, told Bucks County Courier Times the woman said she was burning dog feces and said she had a calm demeanor. Mr Joseph’s wife then notice what was really going on and screamed. The woman then tried to flee but residents stopped her. He said: ‘It was just mind-boggling. It was a nightmare even if you have a strong heart. Hopefully she’ll pay for it.’ Dorvilier is currently in custody with bail set at $500,000. We can’t imagine how a twisted mind like hers could possibly work to make her want harm any child that way, much less her own. SMH. Burlington County PD
See the original post here:
Epitome Of A Bad Mother: NJ Woman Sets Her Newborn On Fire In The Middle Of Neighborhood Road