Tag Archives: newborn-child

Epitome Of A Bad Mother: NJ Woman Sets Her Newborn On Fire In The Middle Of Neighborhood Road

Mother Sets Newborn Child On Fire In Middle Of Her Neighborhood This a really horrific story . Via MailOnline : A newborn baby has died after its mother allegedly doused it in a flammable liquid, set it alight and left it burning in a road. Witnesses say 22-year-old Hyphernkemberly Dorvilier got out of her car and stopped in the middle of Simontown Road in Pemberton Township, New Jersey, on Friday night and burned the child alive. Medics rushed to the scene and airlifted the young child, which was still alive and breathing when they arrived, to St Christopher’s Hospital in Philadelphia with severe burns. However the baby succumbed to its injuries a short time later. Emergency services were called to the scene after residents described a ‘commotion’ inside a nearby home before the horrific act. Neighbor Dave Joseph, 45, told Bucks County Courier Times the woman said she was burning dog feces and said she had a calm demeanor. Mr Joseph’s wife then notice what was really going on and screamed. The woman then tried to flee but residents stopped her. He said: ‘It was just mind-boggling. It was a nightmare even if you have a strong heart. Hopefully she’ll pay for it.’ Dorvilier is currently in custody with bail set at $500,000. We can’t imagine how a twisted mind like hers could possibly work to make her want harm any child that way, much less her own. SMH. Burlington County PD

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Epitome Of A Bad Mother: NJ Woman Sets Her Newborn On Fire In The Middle Of Neighborhood Road

In White Folks News: Chris Hemsworth Named People Magazine’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive’

Is Thor the sexiest man on the planet??? Chris Hemsworth Dubbed “Sexiest Man Alive” People magazine has officially named their 2014 pick for sexiest man alive; Chris Hemsworth . Idris Elba and actor Chris Pratt are also featured as honorable mentions on the cover. People Magazine reports: He continues to smite bad guys as a hammer-wielding Norse god in The Avengers, will fight off a terrorist hacker in Michael Mann’s upcoming cyber thriller, Blackhat and battle a whale in Ron Howard’s In the Heart of the Sea, but there was no contest when it came to naming Aussie Chris Hemsworth this year’s Sexiest Man Alive. The actor, 31, thought it was “pretty funny” when he first heard the news – as did his wife, Spanish model, Elsa Pataky, 38, whom he wed in 2010. “I think you’ve bought me a couple of weeks of bragging rights around the house,” he tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover story. “I can just say to her, ‘Now remember, this is what the people think, so I don’t need to do the dishes anymore, I don’t need to change nappies. I’m above that. I’ve made it now.’ “ The Australian-bred Hemsworth also reveals that he prefers to sleep sans pajamas, has a signature dance move (with a spin!) and would rather be home in Australia, where he and Pataky live with their three kids – daughter India, 2½, and 8-month-old twin sons, Sasha and Tristan – than anywhere else. Hmmmm…what say YOU ladies???? Is this 6’3 Australian the sexiest man alive???? People/Ben Watts

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In White Folks News: Chris Hemsworth Named People Magazine’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive’

Happy Birthday! Dwyane Wade’s Son Xavier Turns 1 With A Mickey Mouse Themed Party! [Photos]

Hard to believe it’s been a year already ! D-Wade’s “Break Baby” Celebrates His First Birthday With Mom Aja Metoye’r The son Dwyane Wade fathered outside of his relationship with (now wife) Gabrielle Union celebrated his first birthday this past weekend, and while his Daddy didn’t observe the occasion on social media, little Xavier Zechariah Wade got plenty of love and affection from his mom Aja Metoye’r and her friends and family on her gram. Hit the flip for lots of precious pics of X-Man or as his mom calls him, her sweet special surprise. Instagram

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Happy Birthday! Dwyane Wade’s Son Xavier Turns 1 With A Mickey Mouse Themed Party! [Photos]

Exclusive: XXL’s EIC Vanessa Satten Talks Lack Of Female Freshman

XXL magazine’s power is proven each year when the publication shakes up the proverbial pot 0n-command with their infamous XXL Freshman list. Hip-Hop Wired had a chance to chop it up with Editor-in-chief Vanessa Satten about the 2014 class, the addition of R&B artists Ty Dolla $ign and August Alsina, and much more… Continue

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Exclusive: XXL’s EIC Vanessa Satten Talks Lack Of Female Freshman

#FratBoysBeLike: 5 Things Fraternity Bros Say To Their Unsuspecting Neighbors

Toga! Toga! Toga! Young couple Kelly and Mac are settling down in a quiet neighborhood with their newborn child, until some turned up frat bros move into the house next door. Teddy the President, is quick to accept friendship with the couple after they introduce themselves. But, things turn sour after the fraternity has one too many crazy house parties keeping Mac’s newborn baby up all night. As the family feuds with the frat brothers, things get hilariously dangerous and no one is backing down. In honor of the new comedy, we count down the funniest things wild frat bros say to their unsuspecting neighbors after taking over the cul-de-sac. Make sure to go watch Neighbors when it hits theaters May 9, 2014 !

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#FratBoysBeLike: 5 Things Fraternity Bros Say To Their Unsuspecting Neighbors

What Are Justin Bieber’s Options Now That Mariah Yeater Has …

Perhaps Mariah Yeater read our rundown of the legal actions she could face from falsely accusing Justin Bieber of fathering her newborn child, because the 20-year-old has dropped her paternity suit against the “Mistletoe” … Link: What Are Justin Bieber's Options Now That Mariah Yeater Has …

What Are Justin Bieber’s Options Now That Mariah Yeater Has …

10 Things You Didn't Know About Hermaphrodites

Like National Geographic Explorer says, “the gender of a newborn child is not always clearly male or female.” Hermaphrodites, or more properly intersex people, aren't as rare as you'd think. Here are some facts to put in your Know Basket! View