Tag Archives: nicole-dolan

Rihanna in Barbados on the Day

Here is Rihanna being a lesbian with her friend, if lesbianism meant wearing what look like bike shorts while topless by the pool in Barbados, in a 20 million dollar house, you probably would walk by as a girl, wishing one day it would be yours, only for it to actually be yours because you’re fucking Rihanna… I like to think lesbianism has more fisting….at least that’s what the fun lesbians do…

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Rihanna in Barbados on the Day

Creepstreet vs stepGIRLS Hotel Party Video by Chris Vongsawat of the Day

Here’s a video put together to celebrate the New Year…the way everyone should celebrate the New Year…with half naked babes…in luxury hotel rooms…being fucking amazing…in an original production for Our stepGIRLS versus the geniuses at Creepstreet in our on-going competition that was shot by the talented and prolific Chris Vongsawat and was co-directed by Alee Rose Because as a collective…we’re pretty fucking awesome…. THE GIRLS Are: Stephanie Adams @moon_gypsy_ Cori Nicole Dolan @coridolan Brookelyn Kelly @brookelyn_kelly Erin M. @erinm2415 Tara Marie @tara_marie_xx Alee Rose @aleerose Rachel S. i @gingie_snaps E. Taylor @etaylor_ Samantha Tressler @sam_tressler Talula Wilde @talulawilde I’d tell you to masturbate to this…but that’s not what it is for…it’s to celebrate…all the good that happens..when you get to hang out with powerful, beautiful, half naked girls…who aren’t about to get a restraining order against you, because they like what it is you’re doing… So take it in, show your friends..and try to have similar experiences in 2015…because I know I will be. Go Buy Some Creepstreet Now!!!!

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Creepstreet vs stepGIRLS Hotel Party Video by Chris Vongsawat of the Day

Creepstreet vs stepGIRLS Hotel Party Video by Chris Vongsawat of the Day

Here’s a video put together to celebrate the New Year…the way everyone should celebrate the New Year…with half naked babes…in luxury hotel rooms…being fucking amazing…in an original production for Our stepGIRLS versus the geniuses at Creepstreet in our on-going competition that was shot by the talented and prolific Chris Vongsawat and was co-directed by Alee Rose Because as a collective…we’re pretty fucking awesome…. THE GIRLS Are: Stephanie Adams @moon_gypsy_ Cori Nicole Dolan @coridolan Brookelyn Kelly @brookelyn_kelly Erin M. @erinm2415 Tara Marie @tara_marie_xx Alee Rose @aleerose Rachel S. i @gingie_snaps E. Taylor @etaylor_ Samantha Tressler @sam_tressler Talula Wilde @talulawilde I’d tell you to masturbate to this…but that’s not what it is for…it’s to celebrate…all the good that happens..when you get to hang out with powerful, beautiful, half naked girls…who aren’t about to get a restraining order against you, because they like what it is you’re doing… So take it in, show your friends..and try to have similar experiences in 2015…because I know I will be. Go Buy Some Creepstreet Now!!!!

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Creepstreet vs stepGIRLS Hotel Party Video by Chris Vongsawat of the Day