Tag Archives: nicole-kurowski

Hide Ya Kids: Teacher Popped By One-Time For Chopping Down 17-Year-Old Boy

What do these teachers see in these underage boys? Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With Student Teachers are supposed to mold our youth not fawk them. Disgusting. According to Reading Eagle reports: A Tulpehocken High School physical education teacher was arrested Wednesday and charged with having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male student. Nicole Kurowski, who was also a cheerleading coach, surrendered to authorities and was arraigned on an institutional sexual assault charge before District Judge Thomas M. Gauby Sr. She was released on $25,000 bail. State police said the teacher was engaged in a sexual relationship with the student during the 2012-13 school year. Troopers said a few instances of indecent contact occurred during school hours. Dr. Edward J. Albert, Tulpehocken School District superintendent, said Kurowski is suspended without pay. He attended her arraignment. Albert said he was made aware of the situation on Sept. 2, Labor Day. He said he received a tip from a person whom he would not identify. “I got the tip and I immediately got on the phone with the school board president (Scott W. Klopp) and our solicitor (Brian Boland),” Albert said. “I take this matter very seriously.” On that same day, Albert contacted state police and District Attorney John T. Adams. A preliminary investigation was conducted from Tuesday through Thursday that same week. Albert said Kurowski was initially suspended with pay. However, now that she’s been charged she is no longer being paid, Albert said. State police investigators recovered text messages and pictures with the assistance of the Berks County District Attorney’s Computer Crimes Unit and the state police Bureau of Criminal Investigations. The text messages were analyzed and it was apparent that Kurowski and the student engaged in conversations on a daily basis during and after-school hours, troopers said. Photos and messages stating “I love you” were exchanged between Kurowski and the student, troopers said. Some messages were sexually explicit, trooper said. “Any further discipline will be based on the ending of the investigation and the hearing,” Albert said. In the five years Albert has served as the district’s superintendent, he said he has not had to deal with such an issue. They should have fired her not suspended her without pay. SMH. Tulpehocken Area High School

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Hide Ya Kids: Teacher Popped By One-Time For Chopping Down 17-Year-Old Boy