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Dr. Conrad Murray Seeking Jury Sequestration, Protection From "Character Assassination"

Dr. Conrad Murray’s legal team believes sequestering the jury is the only way to ensure his fair trial in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case. Charged with involuntarily causing the King of Pop’s death, Murray wants the court protect him and the system from “character assassinations.” The name Nancy Grace has come up more than once from Murray’s lawyers, citing the case of Casey Anthony , who ended up walking in July. Dr. Conrad Murray ‘s lawyers say the only reason the Anthony jurors were unswayed by the media skewering of Anthony was because they were sequestered. According to documents, Grace and others engaged in “nonstop on-air abuse of not only the defendant, but the jurors and defense attorneys involved.” The legal docs claim , “There is reasonable expectation that Dr. Murray’s trial will be the most publicized in history,” and that of the several hundred jurors polled during jury selection, only one claimed not to have heard of the case. Judge Michael Pastor said last month he would consider sequestering the jury, although he felt it was unnecessary and expensive. Stay tuned … [Photo: WENN.com]

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Dr. Conrad Murray Seeking Jury Sequestration, Protection From "Character Assassination"