I always respect piggy fucking people, like clearly fat people, who move like they aren’t fat because they either don’t realize they are fat, or just decide that they won’t let fat get in the fucking way because I am a fat person and I have enough trouble putting on my shoes, or getting up off the couch, or doing up my belt, or wearing pants that don’t have elastic waistbands. That’s not to say that I actually respect this Snooki Jersey shore trash, because idiotic trash is never meant to be respected, but reality is that she doesn’t really annoy me at all, maybe because I don’t watch the show, but probably because she’s just loving every second of her fame like the cheesy fucking person she is and there’s nothing worth hating about that…

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Snooki Does Stunts of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged attaching-hot, Facebook, facebook-shut, jersey-shore, Music, nothing-worth, selling-artists, Videos