Tag Archives: nothing-worth

Jessica Brown Findlay is the Star of the Hacked Nudes of the Day

To See the All the Pics CLICK HERE I don’t know who Jessica Brown Findlay chick- is but I know she fucking won this iCloud hack with the DICK in eye pic…. CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION IN THE stepFORUM TO SEE ALL THE PICS ON IMGUR CLICK HERE

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Jessica Brown Findlay is the Star of the Hacked Nudes of the Day

Becca Tobin’s “alleged” Leaked Nudes for Reddit of the Day

To See the All the Pics CLICK HERE Nothing says Christmas like a nude star from Glee in some self shot nudes…featuring some bald vagina…even though bald vagina nude selfies should never include face… The fact is that everyone has nudes now, that’s the whole point of cell phones, it’s hardly a big deal, but I’d rather see any girl nude than clothed, so I guess this shit matters…even though it’s nothing worth killing yourself or being humilated over, especially when you’re a fucking actor. If anything, it’s a sold play…to get me and the rest of the world to know who you are.. JOIN THE CONVERSATION AS TO WHETHER THEY ARE REAL IN THE stepFORUM TO SEE ALL THE PICS ON IMGUR CLICK HERE

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Becca Tobin’s “alleged” Leaked Nudes for Reddit of the Day

Khloe Kardashian is a Monster with a Hard Nipple of the Day

I love the fabric of the dress Monster Kardashian is wearing. I’ve been seeing it a lot on girls in bars, on the street and pretty much everywhere and it’s some kind of fake leather-lookin’ shit that for some reason gives girls hard nipples. I don’t know what it is about this fabric that makes nipples hard, but it must be magic or at least created by some kind of pervert…..because even Monster Kardashian, a creature who must have a huge set of testicles, the fabric still fuck makes the motherfucker’s nipples hard. And since I love nipples, this post is more to encourage more girls to wear this kind of shirt, like actual girls and not ones who look like they belong in gay porn, and not to celebrate Khloe Kardashian…I just want to make that clear…because there is nothing worth celebrating when it comes to Khloe Kardashian…except maybe when the someone shoots her when she tries to attack them at their campground or some shit…in a mount that paw and turn it into an end table kind of way… Pics via Fame

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Khloe Kardashian is a Monster with a Hard Nipple of the Day

Snooki Does Stunts of the Day

I always respect piggy fucking people, like clearly fat people, who move like they aren’t fat because they either don’t realize they are fat, or just decide that they won’t let fat get in the fucking way because I am a fat person and I have enough trouble putting on my shoes, or getting up off the couch, or doing up my belt, or wearing pants that don’t have elastic waistbands. That’s not to say that I actually respect this Snooki Jersey shore trash, because idiotic trash is never meant to be respected, but reality is that she doesn’t really annoy me at all, maybe because I don’t watch the show, but probably because she’s just loving every second of her fame like the cheesy fucking person she is and there’s nothing worth hating about that…

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Snooki Does Stunts of the Day