As one of the most frequent celebrity Twitter users, Ashton Kutcher has taken to that social media network to sort of shoot down rumors that he cheated on Demi Moore with Sara Leal and an expensive divorce is pending between the couple. This morning, the Two and a Half Men star simply linked to a music file for the Public Enemy song “Don’t Believe the Hype.” Make of that what you will. So, THGers: Do you believe the hype? The story goes like this: Kutcher partied with Leal, 23, at a San Diego nightclub on September 23rd. He then slept with her at that city’s Hardrock hotel later that evening. The next day was Ashton and Demi’s six-year wedding anniversary, which the pair spent alone, 3,000 miles apart, because Moore was promoting Five , her Lifetime original movie (above). The actress expressed her own mysterious thoughts on the cheating rumor last week, Tweeting: “When we are offended at any man’s fault, turn to yourself & study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger.” Perhaps if these two spent more time actually communicating, and less time speaking randomly to the public via 140 characters or fewer, they wouldn’t be in the predicament. [Photos: Diane Cohen/Fame Pictures]
Read more here:
Ashton Kutcher on Infidelity, Divorce Rumors: Don’t Believe the Hype!