Tag Archives: offering-free

Skrip Club In Florida Feeds The Kids And Hands Out Free Christmas Trees!

We’ll take seconds on that turkey but hold the side of Hep C please! LLS Rachel’s Gentlemen’s Club in Casselberry, FL kept up their annual tradition by offering free Thanksgiving meals to folks in need this past Thursday. We hear the dancers kept things G-rated for the kiddies in tow and Rachel’s fed roughly 400 people. The club gave out free Christmas trees to all visitors to! ‘Tis the season…we can’t hate on good charity. Images via youtube

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Skrip Club In Florida Feeds The Kids And Hands Out Free Christmas Trees!

Jamie Oliver offers free meals in Ipswich

CELEBRITY chef Jamie Oliver has sped up his arrival in the flood- ravaged city of Ipswich, offering free meals to 250 people a day.

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Jamie Oliver offers free meals in Ipswich

Jamie Oliver offers free meals in Ipswich

CELEBRITY chef Jamie Oliver has sped up his arrival in the flood- ravaged city of Ipswich, offering free meals to 250 people a day.

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Jamie Oliver offers free meals in Ipswich

Tax Day Freebies for IRS Today

April 15 marks the IRS Tax Day where people get the last chance to file their annual expenditures for the current fiscal year. The deadline is set before the mid night of April 15. While most of us are busy filing our taxes, different establishments are also participating in today’s Tax Day Freebies and giveaways for IRS Tax Day. Different eateries, coffee shops, restaurants and other establishments are concerting efforts to market their IRS Tax Day Freebies promotion. Some of them offer free drinks, discounted meals and other interesting marketing strategies just to gain attention while half of America are busy with their tax responsibilities. As part of the Tax Day Freebie gimmick, Starbucks is giving away one free brewed coffee while Cinnabon, who’s famous for those unhealthy sinful cinnamon rolls, will also give out free cinnamon rolls. You can get two free cupcake bites between 6PM to 8PM at Cinnabon. McDonald’s are also offering free upsize for drinks and french fries. Maybe after filing your taxes, you can drop by at any of these establishments to get your Tax Day Freebie. Tax Day Freebies for IRS Today is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Prostitutes offer free sex to global-warming delegates in Copenhagen

Global-warming summiteers have been told it's uncool to buy hookers, but prostitutes have turned a trick of their own: heating up the atmosphere in Copenhagen by offering free sex to delegates. Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard and the city council had postcards sent to 160 hotels urging people coming to town for next week’s UN Climate Change Conference to “be sustainable – don't buy sex,” according to Spiegelonline

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Prostitutes offer free sex to global-warming delegates in Copenhagen