Tag Archives: office-doing

Weekend Forecast: Can Conan the Barbarian Rule the Dog Days of Summer?

Another August weekend, another genre explosion . As summer slowly ends with a whimper, four new releases are set to crowd multiplexes — three of which will screen in 3-D (with one of those even in 4-D. ( Aromascope , FTW !) Will Conan the Barbarian slay Spy Kids and One Day co-stars Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess with a broadsword slice, or will Colin Farrell and Fright Night jam a stake through the hearts of moviegoers nationwide? Or maybe The Help will clean up all four of them? Wordplay! Click through for the Weekend Forecast.

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Weekend Forecast: Can Conan the Barbarian Rule the Dog Days of Summer?

Tony Scott, Brian Helgeland to Remake Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch

Fans of Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch , steel yourself: The guy who last put Denzel Washington on top of a runaway train (and made bank at the box office doing so) wants to remake the groundbreaking 1969 Western. Deadline reports that director Tony Scott — whose most recent film was last year’s Unstoppable — is negotiating to reboot the classic Peckinpah film. He also wants to remake his own Top Gun , so clearly nothing is sacred. Read the news after the jump and weep into your cowboy boots.

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Tony Scott, Brian Helgeland to Remake Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch