Tag Archives: the wild bunch

Weekend Forecast: Can Conan the Barbarian Rule the Dog Days of Summer?

Another August weekend, another genre explosion . As summer slowly ends with a whimper, four new releases are set to crowd multiplexes — three of which will screen in 3-D (with one of those even in 4-D. ( Aromascope , FTW !) Will Conan the Barbarian slay Spy Kids and One Day co-stars Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess with a broadsword slice, or will Colin Farrell and Fright Night jam a stake through the hearts of moviegoers nationwide? Or maybe The Help will clean up all four of them? Wordplay! Click through for the Weekend Forecast.

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Weekend Forecast: Can Conan the Barbarian Rule the Dog Days of Summer?

Tony Scott, Brian Helgeland to Remake Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch

Fans of Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch , steel yourself: The guy who last put Denzel Washington on top of a runaway train (and made bank at the box office doing so) wants to remake the groundbreaking 1969 Western. Deadline reports that director Tony Scott — whose most recent film was last year’s Unstoppable — is negotiating to reboot the classic Peckinpah film. He also wants to remake his own Top Gun , so clearly nothing is sacred. Read the news after the jump and weep into your cowboy boots.

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Tony Scott, Brian Helgeland to Remake Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch

Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert Scolds Rush Limbaugh For His Offensive Chinese Impression

“For someone who doesn’t understand it, he speaks Chinese beautifully,” Stephen Colbert joked about Rush Limbaugh’s impression of Chinese President Hu Jintao last night, before reprimanding the pundit for his other offensive impressions like Black Guy and Parkinson’s Sufferer. Elsewhere, Jimmy Fallon threw drinks in Ashton Kutcher’s face, Ryan Gosling performed a Blue Valentine duet with Jimmy Kimmel and Kaley Cuoco told David Letterman about the horse that literally crushed her leg.

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Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert Scolds Rush Limbaugh For His Offensive Chinese Impression

Alternate Suggestions for the Ridiculous Remake Announcements This Week

Even by today’s standards, it’s been a pretty strange week for remake announcements. Sandwiched in between seminal films in both the buddy cop and Sam Peckinpah genres, we’ve also got remakes of two classic musicals with Jay Z and Willow Smith attached to one and Beyonce and Clint Eastwood to the other. Not to mention Westworld ! Actually, go ahead and remake Westworld . That’s fine. Anyway, in celebration of Friday, let’s step once more into a Hollywood fantasyland where content and quality are priority number one (or at least not so low on the list), and look at alternatives to several of these high profile remakes.

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Alternate Suggestions for the Ridiculous Remake Announcements This Week