Tag Archives: sam peckinpah

Tony Scott, Brian Helgeland to Remake Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch

Fans of Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch , steel yourself: The guy who last put Denzel Washington on top of a runaway train (and made bank at the box office doing so) wants to remake the groundbreaking 1969 Western. Deadline reports that director Tony Scott — whose most recent film was last year’s Unstoppable — is negotiating to reboot the classic Peckinpah film. He also wants to remake his own Top Gun , so clearly nothing is sacred. Read the news after the jump and weep into your cowboy boots.

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Tony Scott, Brian Helgeland to Remake Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch

Alternate Suggestions for the Ridiculous Remake Announcements This Week

Even by today’s standards, it’s been a pretty strange week for remake announcements. Sandwiched in between seminal films in both the buddy cop and Sam Peckinpah genres, we’ve also got remakes of two classic musicals with Jay Z and Willow Smith attached to one and Beyonce and Clint Eastwood to the other. Not to mention Westworld ! Actually, go ahead and remake Westworld . That’s fine. Anyway, in celebration of Friday, let’s step once more into a Hollywood fantasyland where content and quality are priority number one (or at least not so low on the list), and look at alternatives to several of these high profile remakes.

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Alternate Suggestions for the Ridiculous Remake Announcements This Week

What’s On: S-P-E-L-L-D-O-W-N

Oh, hell yes. The Scripps National Spelling Bee is back, and the stakes are high. The winning middle-schooler walks off with $30,000, savings bonds, a reference library, an unrealistically expensive Encyclopedia Britannica set, and a trophy the height of a hot freshman. You won’t soon forget the sound of the bell that rings when a contestant misspells — unless you’ve built a drinking game around that moment, in which case you’ll cherish it and cackle along with me.

Here is the original post:
What’s On: S-P-E-L-L-D-O-W-N

Real World Trailer: New Orleans! Again! Why.

I shouldn’t be surprised by MTV’ s decision to return to New Orleans for its 24th season of The Real World ; after all, if the network is going to return the lagging reality show to its addictive apex and provide an off-season fix for Jersey Shore fanatics, it’ll have to reference some of the glory of its ’90s cycles. The 2000 season of The Real World used Mardi Gras debauchery on Bourbon Street merely as a backdrop for its top-tier cast, but is the new crop of roommates good enough for Anne Rice’s jambalaya paradise? Let’s analyze the new trailer.

The rest is here:
Real World Trailer: New Orleans! Again! Why.