Give the following canine an A for effort. And then signing him up for classes with Crazy Awesome Jumping Cat . The owner of this very cute dog has captured his pet on video, trying very hard to catch a tennis ball tossed his way. He gets up in the air in okay fashion, he contorts his body pretty well… but he comes up empty in the end, crashing painfully to the ground and having the embarrassing fall depicted in slow motion. Dog Fails to Catch Tennis Ball: Slow Motion Fun! Is it bad that we can’t stop laughing at this? It could be worse, man. You could mistake an iPad screen for water . 52 TOTALLY Adorable Dog Videos 1. Dog Goes Gangnam Style This dog is dancing up a storm! Look at it go all Gangnam Style, folks!
Dog Tries, Fails to Catch Tennis Ball: Fun with Slow Motion!