Jennette Mccurdy does the YOGA Pose… Personally, I prefer when Jennette Mccurdy does that whole I’m In My Underwear And I Accidentally Released it Because the Execs Wanted Me To But they Don’t Want You To Know It was Intentional but that’s probably because I like slutty girls who embrace being sluts, rather than slutty girls who pretend they are doing fitness, especially when the slutty girl isn’t that hot, but has a fan base because dads are perverts….
As ridiculous, annoying, even desperate as Lady Gaga is. She still managed to take her ugly face, a face that was meant to be a receptionist, but luckily had rich parents so she could free intern in the right places her dad probably had connections with, leading to her partnering up with a record company that put money into her, packaged her into this clown, like some modern day circus…and shit made fucking money…even as she got stupider and stupider…the retard audience loved ever move she made…and now she’s pretty much forgotten, still makes money, and still tries to get noticed because she has that taste and can’t accept that it’s over… I still like her ass… But maybe I’m just saying that because early on in her career, I got drunk at a party she was at, and fondled it without her realizing it, and kinda liked it. I tell this story every time I see her, because the fact that I fondled her ass and she didn’t notice, while in a thong and fishnets like this, is all I really ever liked about her…and all she was ever really good for…and other than this big ass…she’s the fucking worst…so take it in…for old time memories of places my hand has been… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Her name is Allie DeBerry. She is from Texas. She is 20 years old, and has been in the business since she was three, all because she had a “love for being in front of the camera”…which at 3 translates to “she had an opportunist, egotistical stage mom, who felt like making money while celebrating the cute that fell out of her pussy”…and it all ended up on the Disney Channel… The interesting thing with this child stars, isn’t how broken they become because their parents exploited them, but rather than unlike adult stars, their moms were the ones sucking executive dick to get ahead, and not them…meaning when a girl is raised by a hooker,while having a fan base, good things happen…like every other Child star who has ended up doing porn, dying of drug overdoses, etc… I’ve never heard of her, but a little bikini for instagram is a decent introduction or preview of what’s to come..which could be you, making me feel gay.