Tag Archives: only-unlike

Lea Michele “Alleged” Leaked Selfie on Reddit of the Day

To See the All the Pics CLICK HERE Leave it up to Lea Michele to jump on the leaked celebrity nude bandwagon, we’ll call it the labor day massacre, only unlike all the other girls who had their pics put out there today, Lea Michele’s is the fucking worst. I wonder if this was for her fake boyfriend who she was dating for the sake of ratings….because this kind of sex could turn me to suicide too…or maybe she’s just so sad from pretending to be sad from his death to take a good nude selfie… Who cares. JOIN THE CONVERSATION AS TO WHETHER THEY ARE REAL IN THE stepFORUM To See the All the Pics CLICK HERE

Lea Michele “Alleged” Leaked Selfie on Reddit of the Day

Natasha Barnard for GUESS of the Day

Natasha Barnard, not to be confused with Natasha Barn yard the pig you lost your virginity to, cuz you dad caught you playing with barbies and he couldn’t have that….is a Guess model, following the footsteps of such great models as Anna Nicole Smith, only unlike Anna Nicole Smith, this Natasha Barnard is not dead and thank god for that, because it would make jerking off to her way creepy….

Originally posted here:
Natasha Barnard for GUESS of the Day