Tag Archives: genitals-never

Babes at the Spike TV Guys Choice Awards of the Day

Alba, Katherine Webb, Jennifer Aniston, Kaley Cuoco and a few other women who don’t matter showed up to an event that doesn’t matter, probably because they were paid. That’s not to say that SPIKE TV hasn’t revolutionized TV, oh right, they haven’t…if anything I am surprised they even have their own channel, and people advertise on it, cuz I don’t know one original show of theirs, and I don’t know one person who ever mentioned running home for sunday night on SPIKE like they do with other cable channels… Making their award show, just a pile of shit that doesn’t matter, that no one cares about, that mean nothing, and that are essentially just “going through the motions”…because having an award show is fun, with as much warrant as me hosting an award show in my basement for my sex dolls, only at my award show, Alba, Aniston and Cuoco don’t show up, but the good news is that I can tape their picture on anything I want before fucking it to shreds… TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF ALL THE PUSSY IN ATTENDENCE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Babes at the Spike TV Guys Choice Awards of the Day

Natasha Barnard for GUESS of the Day

Natasha Barnard, not to be confused with Natasha Barn yard the pig you lost your virginity to, cuz you dad caught you playing with barbies and he couldn’t have that….is a Guess model, following the footsteps of such great models as Anna Nicole Smith, only unlike Anna Nicole Smith, this Natasha Barnard is not dead and thank god for that, because it would make jerking off to her way creepy….

Originally posted here:
Natasha Barnard for GUESS of the Day

Zuzana Kopuncova in Bathing Suits of the Day

Zuzana Kopuncova has the name of a girl who should be locked in the basement of a stripclub in some Eastern European city. You know, because she was abducted or sold to the MAFIA by her father to pay off some kind of debt, or because the MAFIA was looking for some young, tight pussy, to work their CAM companies for free, or at least to save their parents from being killed off. But instead, this Zuzana Kopuncova, is just some lovely Slovakian, 5 foot 10, goddess, all long and lean, because she’s a model, modelling bathing suits, all thanks to the fall of communism, because without the fall of communism, she’d be sewing work uniforms in a factory for 1 dollar a day, and that would be a waste of such amazingness…

See more here:
Zuzana Kopuncova in Bathing Suits of the Day

Emily Didonato’s Lingerie Campaign of the Day

Emily Didonato has shown her NIPPLES FOR FASHION ….and it was semi-disappointing, knowing that Jake Gyllenhaal, enemy of DRUNKENSTEPFATHER.com, owns them, before remembering that Jake Gyllenhaal, enemy of DRUNKENSTEPFATHER.com, is a homosexual, who has probably only seen these nipples, while shopping for bikinis, or when one tit slipped out while they were pretending to be in a relationship, and she was either bending over in a loose fitting shirt to pick something up off the floor, or changing before going to a function where she was going to play his beard, at leas that’s what you’d like to think, cuz knowing a bitch, especially a hot bitch, is doing groupie shit with such a loser, no matter how famous he is, ruins her….so it’s better to pretend their genitals never got jammed up in each other….. Here she is modelling lingerie…

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Emily Didonato’s Lingerie Campaign of the Day