Tag Archives: orange-troll

Ariane Bellamar Seems Talented

Apparently this Ariane Bellamar lady is the star of some ABC Family show called Beverly Hills Nannies . I’ve never heard of the show, but I already see a couple of large things I like about her. Wait, is this chick a nanny? Because that would be awesome. But there’s no way that any self respecting wife would let this woman anywhere near her house, husbands are weak weak men, Having this kind of temptation in your own home?… Forget it.

Chelsee Healey Drops Some Sloppy Cleavage

I don’t know if I’m the only one who refers to this Chelsee Healey chick as the UK’s Snooki or not, but I’m going to take credit for it anyway. Here she is out on the town the other night in her sweet cleavage busting dress. She’s not exactly a supermodel, that’s why I’ve compared her to an orange troll from the Jersey Shore , but there’s something about her that I like. I’d say it’s the accent, but I’ve never heard her speak so…. I’m going with big tanned boobies.

JWoWW Busts Out The Big Guns

I thought that as a society we were done with this Jersey Shore garbage, apparently I was mistaken. Here’s Jenni Farley aka JWoWW and her big fat boobies and the MTV Movie Awards last night with that orange troll of a sidekick. I hope all of you know by now that the only reason this rotten chick makes it onto the site is because I like her big orange boobies and has nothing to do with her looks. If I was into broads with busted up faces and bad attitudes I’d move to Philly. Enjoy.