Tag Archives: other-animals

Japanese Bunnies Attack Man with Snuggles: Watch Now!

Ready for a return to Japan’s Rabbit Island? In February, we posted a video of this amazing locale , which was once used to manufacture mustard gas and which now is home to the most impressive collection of bunnies in the world. Every now and then a human being strolls these shores, however, offering up food to the furry locals and getting embraced in a flurry of snuggles. Have you ever been more jealous of anyone in your entire life?!? Japanese Bunnies Go on the Snuggle Attack In case your heart isn’t melted all the way through, check out these examples of bunnies and other animals acting all affectionate with each other: 17 Adorable Photos of Animals Kissing 1. Bunnies in Love

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Japanese Bunnies Attack Man with Snuggles: Watch Now!

Cat and Horse Nuzzle Up, Are Total Best Friends

Cats are very popular with other animals these days. This Saint Bernard really wants to be pals with this kitten… this feline is happy to be licked to adorable death by a deer… and the following cat is in heaven because he’s hanging out with his best friend. Who just happens to be a horse. Posted by Alexandra Meulemans, the footage features some serious nuzzling from two seriously unexpected pals. But who are we to judge?!? They sure do look happy, don’t they? Horse and Cat Snuggle And the same can be said for the following animals. The cat and the horse featured above are just taking after the relationships seen below: 14 Animal Friendships We Did NOT See Coming 1. Cat and Lynx Well, this is adorable. Check out a photo of a cat and a lynx who have become best friends at the zoo in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Cat and Horse Nuzzle Up, Are Total Best Friends

Superhero Animals Saving Other Animals (Slideshow with Videos)

Photo via Mabels When it comes to daring rescues, most news focuses on those acts of bravery committed by humans — but the animal world has heroes too. The amazing feats on these pages — from a lion saving a baby rhino, to a dog saving a cat, to a dolphin saving a whale — show just how far the animal kingdom will go to help one of their own.

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Superhero Animals Saving Other Animals (Slideshow with Videos)