Tag Archives: other-cultures

LTBW: Should African-American Woman Open Up Their Dating Pool To Other Cultures In The Diaspora?

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Are African-American women limiting the dating pool by not dating other cultures in the diaspora? On this week’s episode of “Listen To Black Women,” our diverse panel Jessie Woo, Africa Miranda, Bianca C. Williams, author of  The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, and host Shamika Sanders discuss the complexities and positive aspects of dating outside your own culture. About Listen To Black Women: HelloBeautiful and MadameNoire have collaborated on a brand new digital talk show called   Listen To Black Women ,  and we want to hear from you! Each episode we will include the voices of our audience online, feedback from an expert, and results from weekly polls that ask you to weigh in on the topic. This show is shaped by your input, so make sure to let your opinions be heard! RELATED STORIES: Listen To Black Women: Why Do Black Women Feel Hurt When We See Black Men With White Women? Listen To Black Women: Can Black Women Literally Afford To Wait To Have Children? Listen To Black Women: Does Colorism Hold People Back From Success?

LTBW: Should African-American Woman Open Up Their Dating Pool To Other Cultures In The Diaspora?

Alyssa Barbara by Kingston Photo of the Day

Her name is ALYSSA BARBARA . She is from Canada. I am from Canada. That’s enough of a reason to want to get her pregnant, you know to keep the passports consistent, because only Canadians really understand the importance of the Queen, Maple Syrup and Tim Hortons….and igloos…other cultures just wouldn’t get it. That said, she has some of the most outrageous breasts I’ve ever seen, on an amazing body, making me wonder, why I haven’t hidden in a tree outside her apartment to watch her live…you know like I do with all the girls I follow home from the bar that I LIKE…right. Photos by KINGSTON PHOTO

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Alyssa Barbara by Kingston Photo of the Day

Padma Lakshmi Bikini of the Day

Besides the stretch marks on her ass…it amazes me that Padma Lakshmi, the Indian celebrity chef, total fucking babe who married a 90 year old….is actually 42 years old….and a mom….it just blows my fucking mind….because I am married to a 43 year old…and I don’t think she ever looked like this…even when she was 12….leading me to be reminded that I’ve been robbed of pretty much all good things in life….and that maybe…I shoulda traveled to other cultures…before settling with fat white trash…in what might as well is a trailer park….but enough about me…this Padma girl is glorious…and I hate saying that…because it goes against everything I know……she’s 42…what the fuck TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Padma Lakshmi Bikini of the Day