Tag Archives: our-overlord

Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘Army’ Inspires Taiwanese Animation [Video]


The rest is here:

Mayor Bloomberg’s animated Taiwanese doppelganger commands his troops. (Photo: YouTube) Mayor Bloomberg has a starring role in a new clip from Taiwanese meme factory Next Media Animation inspired by our post about a speech where he referred to the NYPD as “my own army.” The artistic geniuses at NMA created a 30 second clip that features a cartoon version of Mayor Bloomberg wearing a military helmet… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Capitol confidential Discovery Date : 01/12/2011 10:26 Number of articles : 2

Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘Army’ Inspires Taiwanese Animation [Video]

Please Let It Be For A Role, Please Let It Be For A Role: The Unexpected Sad Keanu-ing Of Ben Affleck


Originally posted here:

As I mentioned previously, our overlord, Dustin, has sprouted some wings and is now writing for Warming Glow. Please visit him over there, he loves your patented brand of snarchasm. His introductory post is about that canker sore Piers Morgan…. Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Pajiba Discovery Date : 01/12/2011 19:00 Number of articles : 2

Please Let It Be For A Role, Please Let It Be For A Role: The Unexpected Sad Keanu-ing Of Ben Affleck