Tag Archives: over-the-pants

Rihanna Finger Bangs Herself on Stage of the Day

These pictures would have been a lot hotter 4 years ago, when Rihanna just started out, when she didn’t have a dyke haircut or 20 pounds she gained while living and eating the American dream. A time when she didn’t look like a chick who still thinks she’s a smaller size, who’s pants are topped out, and who needs to unbutton the shit after she has a bite to eat cuz there’s no more fucking room in them, as she’s really putting them through the test to see just how much abuse the fucking things can take. A time when we didn’t know she was a little cry baby bitch who is quick to call the cops over small domestic disputes, a warning sign that she’s the pussy you gotta stay away from…a firecracker who you can’t predict and who can take you the fuck down any fucking time she wants…the kind of girl who smashes her face against a frying pan to tell the authorities it was you to seriously fuck you up and here she is grabbing her pussy, doing a little over the pants finger bang like she was a 14 year old boy trying to get play with the girl down the street, something I’d think she should be doing the rest of her life for sexual satisfaction as she’s a red flag, but guys are fucking idiots who don’t care that a girl’s level of crazy will get them arrested but just care about a girl’s willing pussy…

Rihanna Finger Bangs Herself on Stage of the Day