Tag Archives: overpaid-models

Victoria’s Secret Push Up Bra of the Day

The terrible people at Victoria’s Secret, and their overpaid models, who don’t deserve the celebrity that they have…because they are just bodies in underwear…like all women…who wear underwear…only a little taller and more fit…but definitely not worthy of 50,000 dollar day rates…but I guess that’s an expense the brand is willing to pay, it is tax deductible and think off all the savings they make by producing their mall brand, low quality, cheesy design and concept, mass marketed product in sweatshops… They’ve put together this Push Up Bra video, that probably cost them over 1,000,000 dollars, to help sell product and generate some buzz into the holiday season, that they won’t actually call the Holidays season, because along with ISIS, the war is also on Christmas…we are all god’s people, it’s about inclusion, and being politically correct, but the cunts in this campaign, don’t full agree, just ask them the last time they let a homeless guy eat their pussy…their answer will be that it kind of happend to one of their billboard, because homeless guys are perverts and need to jerk off to something…sometimes…they have nothing else going for them.. Either way, this is just more content to continue the crisis that is Victoria’s Secret…terrorizing the minds of our youth and wives.. But it makes for a pretty easy gift, and really if you gotta fuck your pig wife, this garbage is like putting some lipstick on her… The post Victoria’s Secret Push Up Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Victoria’s Secret Push Up Bra of the Day