Tag Archives: ozarks

Eliza Cummings Tits for Marie Claire Italy of the Day

Eliza Cummings is a 25 year old model who has never heard anyone make a cum reference to her name being cumming especially when you factor in how fucking good she looks, especially topless, like all models pretty are and should be, as that is their sacrifice to the world, their nipples, so that they don’t have to live a normal 9-5 life where they actually work, but rather get to focus on the important things in life like free hand outs, social climbing through sex, and finding rich guys to marry or get knocked up by, especially if they don’t start out rich. She’s with a Rothschild, a member of the richest families in the world…a family rumored to won the world’s gold supply, and the route of all the conspiracies…but she likes him for his kindness. Either way, here are her tits for David Bellemere, the hardest working man in the luxury, high end, tits photography… I am pretty sure these are old pics, recycled, but tits are still tits…so tits. The post Eliza Cummings Tits for Marie Claire Italy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Eliza Cummings Tits for Marie Claire Italy of the Day

Megan Irwin is Amazing of the Day

I know what you’re thinking “I wonder if Megan Irwin is Steve Irwin’s daughter, you know the Crocodile Hunter, because that would be amazing, that guy was great before being dead”… Because that is the only Australian Irwin I know, and you work by associatio because you’re half retarded and don’t think rationally that another Irwin could grace this earth.. Then you find out that this Megan Irwin, the most incredible looking model I’ve seen today, is actually Australian and assume that they must be related, that’s how she got into the industry, through ZOOLOGY, because Australia is an island populated by criminals from the Europe, leading to a limited depth in gene pool, but then why are all Australians so good looking, drunk, and a good time…if incest was really as bad as the hicks in the Ozarks make it look… Either way, Australia or not, I’d still fuck her if she was my sister…that’s what this is about right? Megan Irwin being the future or something? Right… BONUS – She’s one of the babes in Mario Testino’s Vogue Australia Shoot The post Megan Irwin is Amazing of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Megan Irwin is Amazing of the Day

Design Students Create a Brighter Future: SRD Change 2010 Exhibition

(All images: SRD Change 2010) For the past seven year now the SRD (Society for Responsible Design) have held their Change design exhibition showing the latest graduate student thinking around environmentally and socially responsible design solutions. And this year its on again. Right now. So, if you want to know where the fresh green thinking is imagining our world should be headed in the spheres of Architecture, Interiors, Industrial Design, Landscape, Fashion and Visual Communications check it out, in the few day left until 15 August 2010…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Design Students Create a Brighter Future: SRD Change 2010 Exhibition

US Heat Waves Causing Trees to Change Colors (Video)

Photo via Nature in the Ozarks Man, it’s hot out there. How hot is it? Don’t worry, I’m not going to talk about climate change. I’m just trotting out some ideas for a Bob Hope-style comedy routine. And climate change would’ve probably been too edgy for Hope, anyway. So how hot is it? So hot that trees can’t decide what season it is. Okay, needs some work. But it’s true. CNN has this video about how the heat has confuse… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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US Heat Waves Causing Trees to Change Colors (Video)