Tag Archives: peculiar-week

TCA: ABC Prez is Most Passionate About the New Bachelor Season

Today’s ABC’ s day at the Television Critics Association panels in Pasadena, and aside from semi-grim news for Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters , there’s not much to report — wait, except for president Paul Lee’s abject adoration of The Bachelor : “This particular season is going to be delicious and funny and fascinating and sexy in all the right ways. I would personally hold up The Bachelor — and I take none of the credit for this; this precedes me — of how you can take a really good idea and own it. And by the way? It still fits into the deeply romantic brand that is ABC. And still is a deeply relevant show. That yearning to find love is still there.” Hmm. “Passionate” is one way to describe Jake Pavelka , I guess.

Go here to read the rest:
TCA: ABC Prez is Most Passionate About the New Bachelor Season

Who Scored Big in Week 11 of SNL’s Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player Relevancy Poll?

It was a peculiar week for Saturday Night Live , with the cast pretty much resigned to taking a back seat to the manic comedic stylings of host Jim Carrey; except for the cold open and “Weekend Update,” Carrey was the focal point of every sketch. As a result, this week’s SNL Relevancy Poll is thrown more than a bit off-kilter: Instead of cast members standing out, what we saw instead were cast members just trying to keep up with their host. And if there’s anything we know about SNL , it’s that it rarely (if ever) functions at its best as a one-man show.

Excerpt from:
Who Scored Big in Week 11 of SNL’s Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player Relevancy Poll?