Tag Archives: peewee herman

Danielle Sharp Topless for Nuts of the Day

Danielle Sharp is an old familiar Glamour Model set of huge fucking tits that we have already seen before…that we don’t mind seeing again…because they are fucking tits…and we love fucking tits…both figuratively and literally… She’s been in this game a long fucking time, for obvious reasons and I like to think this is her best shoot…but then again…that’s probably because I only started noticing these low level, fame whores, who are into showing their tits…in the last few months…prior to that…I couldn’t be bothered with them…even though they are amazing…and that’s pretty fucking weird of me…especially when looking at these tits…tits that need to be celebrated through collectively ejaculating to them in a non homo way…since we aren’t all in the same room….you queer…

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Danielle Sharp Topless for Nuts of the Day

Paris Hilton is Not Dead Even and in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Even if you think Paris Hilton is dead….she’s not….she’s with Everyone who is anyone, or who wants to be anyone, or who was once someone thanks to her grandfather…is is Miami…as I’ve said before… I am not in Miami..because I am no one…and I like it that way…but unfortunately Paris Hilton hasn’t really embraced her falling off to insignificance as gracefully…I am sure she hates every single Kardashian episode or article more than any of us do…which should make her on our site…but it doesn’t…because she hates them cuz she wants to be them….since she’s the bootleg version of them….not that it matters…what matters is she’s in Miami to get noticed…and in trying to get noticed…hoping for a second wind…she’s pulling out her tits…and the worst thing about this…you know the greatest fucking tragedy is that I think she looks fucking hot…ass and titties I’d play connect the dots with her herpes scab like I was Peewee Herman…whatever that means… Here are the pics…

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Paris Hilton is Not Dead Even and in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Happy 53rd Birthday, Tim Burton! Who Is Your Favorite Tim Burton Character?

On this day, 53 years ago, Timothy Walter Burton was born in Burbank, California to parents Bill and Jean. Over the course of the next five decades, the boy from Burbank would go on to direct fifteen feature films in his signature dark, quirky style, seven of which featured his long-time collaborator Johnny Depp. To celebrate Burton’s birthday, let’s look back at the director’s most wonderfully eccentric characters before choosing a favorite.

Happy 53rd Birthday, Tim Burton! Who Is Your Favorite Tim Burton Character?