My first internet job was helping my friend who was an internet journalist, if that even exists, back in 2004. He didn’t pay me, but he would give me free beer, I am ghetto like that, and I am into selling myself short…. I used to have to transcribe interviews he did with d-listers. It was 2004 and Joanna Krupa was one of the people I had to listen to as I did my best job transcribing her bullshit answers without jumping out of his fifth floor window. I don’t remember much about her and apparently either does the rest of the world, because she doesn’t matter. She practically doesn’t exist and never did. She was nothing by a Stuff / FHM / Maxim model turned Dancing with the Stars star even though she was never a star, just a self-proclaimed one, and Dancing with the Stars was the biggest thing she ever did, which is kinda against the whole model of the show…. I guess, she’s used to that shit, because she did it with her whole “Polish” act, considering she never faced the iron curtain or communism like I real mail order bride, she just decided it was good for marketing and used it as much as she could….she moved to America at 5….who the fuck rememeber the traumatic experiences before 5….I mean most of us were probably molested before 5 and haven’t got the slightest repressed memory…but here this cunt is talking about rationed toilet paper like she was in a concentration camp….and I just hate bullshit for attention…unless that bullshit is her in a bikini…even if she’s thicker than she once was…she’s still okay by me…plus me and her go way back…she just doesn’t know I masturbated to her voice and her tedious and obvious answer back then…but I do…
Go here to read the rest:
Joanna Krupa in Her Bikini of the Day