Tag Archives: piano-playing

Cult Movie Family Portraits

Kirk Demarais does colored pencil drawings of families from cult movies, like The Shining and National Lampoon's Vacation .

See the original post here:
Cult Movie Family Portraits

Bizarre Mutant Sex Toy

It's called the concubine masturbator , and it's basically all sexual organs amalgamated into one handy toy. I wonder if there's an anus on the back? I think I'd rather masturbate with a sea pig .

Read more:
Bizarre Mutant Sex Toy

Nora The Piano Playing Cat Plays Live!

TV BUZZ : Nora hit the bigtime! She played live on The Today Show this morning, for real. Her owner was a little worried she'd refuse to play, but you can't silence an artiste.

Original post:
Nora The Piano Playing Cat Plays Live!

PeeBo Tells Congressman What's What

Congressman Mike Castle of Delaware got an earful from one of his constituents earlier this month. This woman, apparently named PeeBo, is still convinced that President Obama is not an American citizen

See original here:
PeeBo Tells Congressman What's What

Nora The Piano Playing Cat Plays With Orchestra

Lithuanian composer Mindaugas Piecaitis wrote a whole symphony to acompany Nora the Piano Playing Cat. It is mostly to entirely amazing

Go here to read the rest:
Nora The Piano Playing Cat Plays With Orchestra